Chapter 34

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In the back of her mind, she had somewhat expected Atsumu to pull his hand away, but he never did. They continued browsing through the selection, her small hand clasped in Atsumu's bigger hand.

After some time, (Y/N) finally spoke up, "I think I'll come back and buy this one once the game is over." She motioned to a red shirt.

"Okay." He agreed and they headed towards their seats.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" A voice came from behind her.

Both (Y/N) and Atsumu turned around, face to face with two boys.

Her eyes widened, "Iwaizumi!?" She let go of Atsumu's hand and jumped on the dark-haired boy, embracing him in a hug, "I missed you so much."

"Me too. How have you been since moving away from Seijoh?" He laughed.

She pulled herself out of the hug, and took a step back, "It's been great! I've made lots of new friends."

"Excuuuse me? Are you forgetting about someone?" The handsome boy next to Iwaizumi whined.

"Oh, hi Shittykawa." She said quickly, then turned back to Iwaizumi, ignoring Oikawa again, "So are you guys here to watch the game?"

"Yeah, Trashykawa bought tickets for us." Iwaizumi grinned.

"You guys are so mean with the nicknames." Oikawa pouted.

"So..." Iwaizumi nodded towards Atsumu, "Who's this?"

"Oh I forgot to introduce you to each other." She laughed, "This is Atsumu Miya. Atsumu, this is Hajime Iwaizumi and Tooru Oikawa."

Silence. (Y/N) had expected some sort of 'hello', but Atsumu and Oikawa seemed to be locked in a staredown. She looked at Iwaizumi who just shrugged.

At last, Oikawa spoke up, "Atsumu Miya, huh. I expected you to be much taller."

Atsumu glared at Oikawa and opened his mouth to speak, but (Y/N) interrupted, "Do you know each other?"

Oikawa stuck his nose up pretentiously, "Know him? No. Know of him? Yes. He's apparently a setter prodigy blah blah blah. Kinda reminds me of little Kageyama. Ew."

Iwaizumi brought his hand up and smacked the captain hard in the back of the head, "You little piece of shit. Apologize to (Y/N)'s friend right now. That's no way to talk to someone you just met."

"Fine. I'm sorry." He grumbled.

The sound of the crowd echoed through the entrance hall, signalling that the game had resumed.

"I guess we should head back to our seats now. I'm so glad I saw you." (Y/N) gave Iwaizumi another tight hug.

"Yea." He replied with a soft smile, "Call me soon so we can catch up."

She waved goodbye and they began walking in the other direction. Atsumu didn't say a word, he just stared straight ahead, he appeared to be sulking.

They returned to their seats and she still hadn't heard a thing from him, "Atsumu is something wrong? I'm sorry if Oikawa offended you, he was probably feeling threatened so that's why he said those childish things."

Atsumu paused, then spoke, "Hajime Iwaizumi? Who is he to you?" He questioned.

"What? He's just an old friend from Aoba Johsai." She replied, slightly puzzled.

"Was he ever your boyfriend or something? You guys seemed really close." He mumbled.

(Y/N) almost snorted, "Boyfriend? Absolutely not. We were just really close friends and he always helped me train after practice."

"Oh." Atsumu said, looking away.

"Why are you asking me that? Are you..." Something clicked in her head, "Are you jealous?"

"No!" He whipped back around to face her, "I was just wondering. That's all."

"If you say so." She moved her attention to the game which was already a few points into the third set, "Is it best out of 5?" She asked.

"Yes. Japan needs to beat Korea in two more sets if they want to win the game." He answered.

Unfortunately, after many long rallys, Japan lost the third set, meaning they were down 2-1. In order to win the match, they needed to win the rest of the sets.

(Y/N) and Atsumu were on the edge of their seats, watching in apprehension. By the end of the fourth set, the teams were neck in neck, with the score being 27-26 for Japan. The ball was served into play, Korea getting a perfect pass. The middle blocker spiked it hard, but luckily Japan was able to receive it. The ball was set to the wing spiker, who approached and jumped up high. He swung hard at the ball but slowed his hand at the last second, tipping it right behind the block. 28-26 for Japan.

This meant there was going to be a fifth set.

"Since it's the final set, they'll only be playing to 15." Atsumu pointed out.

"Wow, then the players must really be feeling the pressure now." She observed.

The whistle blew and the teams stepped onto the court. The fifth set was very even to begin with, the score being 2-2, then 4-3, then 5-5. But within a matter of minutes, Japan had pulled a significant lead: 9-6.

(Y/N) studied the players carefully. Since their seats were so close to the front, she was able to see the sweat dripping down their faces. They were working so hard. She felt a spark of determination, she wanted to play like them and always put her 100% effort in.

Team Japan kept pushing their lead forward, bringing them to game point. The game was ended by a spike down Korea's line. (Y/N) and Atsumu leapt out of their chairs, thrilled that Japan had won. The crowd was cheering in celebration as the players came off the court.

"That was some truly amazing volleyball." She said to Atsumu.

"For sure. Seeing it all live and up close makes me even more motivated to achieve my goals in volleyball. This was totally worth the three hour train ride." He said with a glowing expression.

(Y/N) smiled to herself, because in fact, she had been thinking the exact same thing.

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