Happy Birthday America: This Year Will be Different

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3rd Pov: With America

It was after the party that Alfred holds every year for his birthday and everybody had left. And it was just a few days ago they were celebrating Canada's birthday with France, England, Prussia, The Nordics, Mexico and Germany because he was dragged to it by Prussia. And like every year Canada, Mexico, France, Spain, Prussia, Japan, Hong Kong, Lithuania, The Nordics, The Italy's- along with Germany who was once again dragged against his will by Prussia and this time Italy.

Surprisingly Russia stayed the whole party this year and didn't leave unannounced half way through, which he hasn't done since the Cold War.

But never England.

England was always bitter around this time of the year- wallowing in self pity that he wouldn't let anyone see.

Shaking his head in hopes it will take his mind off his former care taker he resumed his previous thoughts of Russia. 'Maybe he wants to try to be friends again.' The thought brought a smile to Alfred's face but also a question on how he escaped Belarus.

He knew she had calmed down on the whole 'wanting to marry her brother' thing since her, Alfred and Russia had talk after one night when Russia crashed over at Alfred place and she explained it wasn't about love but a union of support and Alfred didn't think she was totally over it just yet.

'Hopefully this time I'll actually be able to finish it.' He thought as he walked through the halls of his oldest house thinking about one of the many closets in his house. It was the most cluttered closet he had and would probably have the other nations calling him a hoarder is they saw it.

The closet.

It held so many memory's. So many happy memory's that it was painful, but he had to go through them. He convinced himself along time ago that it was for closure, but deep down he knew he just missed his big brother England.

His amazing big brother Arthur. The one who cared, taught and even lectured him sometimes- the one he missed.

He missed hugging Arthur without it being awkward, he missed talking about things other that country stuff with him but most of all he just missed how Arthur smile wasn't so drained and his eyes weren't so dull with sadness.

Before the Revolution Alfred was just lonely, and he thought if he were a country he could visit anyone he wanted whenever he wanted.

The Revolution may have been successful in freeing Alfred to visit anyone. But it failed at the same time. He couldn't see who he really wanted whenever he liked. He couldn't go see Arthur just because he wanted to- no. There relationship was too strained and uncomfortable for that.

The Revolution.

Two fairly simple simple words repeated in Alfred's head.

Two fairly simple simple words brought him so much sadness.

Two fairly simple words made him want to break down and cry- but he couldn't.


He couldn't. The United Sates of America was too proud, too 'happy' to do such a thing as that.

If he were happy than why does he feel so- so... so alone.

'I guess what England said was true 'To be on top of the world means to stand alone'. Maybe some of his advice wasn't useless after all.' Alfred hasn't called him Arthur in a long time and Arthur hasn't called him Alfred.

Using a country's human name meant something. It meant that you're close, that you can trust each other with everything you are and Alfred and Arthur just weren't that anymore.

Having not realized he had been so caught up in his thoughts Alfred was currently standing in front of a door. It looked like any other door in the house but Alfred knew it wasn't like any other room he had- not in this house and not in any other house or property he owned. Nothing like anything in his entire country could bring him to tears like this room right in front of him- taunting him.

He reached out and grabbed the door knob, turning and pushing open the door that lead to a very dusty room. It hasn't been cleaned since his down fall with Arthur.

Walking into the room he knew he wouldn't be able to clean it out- he hasn't been able to so why could this year be any different that the past 244 years.

3rd Pov: With England

England- no. Arthur was currently standing out side of his previous colony door of his oldest and first house. That home that Arthur had given him. Everyone who was close to Alfred knew he only threw his birthday party's at this house just in case England would show up, but nobody said anything. They could understand without being told, even Italy understood.

This happens every year.

Arthur stood outside of Alfred's home contemplating weather or not he should go in but he always ends up chickening out last minute. It was France who first convinced him to stop drowning himself in alcohol and go to Alfred's party about 60 years after the revolution but Arthur never seems to be able to bring himself to do it.

But this year was different, he told himself.

This year he would do it- just not in front of any other country's.

Just him and Alfred.

England and America.

Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door.

This year would be different.

3rd Pov: With Alfred

The knocks rang though his house.

The unexpected noise brought Alfred out of his own depressing thoughts and he realized the tears in his eyes. Wiping them away and stood up, knowing his eyes were probably red but he just hoped who ever it was didn't say anything.

He reached for the door and opened it.

He was meet with another pair of red eyes and tear stained face.

Their eyes were green instead of the sky blue ones he had.

It was Arthur.

Without even being able to say anything Alfred was engulfed in a hug. At this time in wasn't awkward.

Only freezing for a moment- before he quickly hugged his big brother.

"Happy birthday, Alfred."

"Thank you, Arthur."

This year would be different.

This year will be different.

This year was different.

And it was.

Word Count: 1110
Okay I'm kinda proud of this so I hope whoever's reading this enjoyed it!

Happy fourth of July and happy birthday America/Alfred!

And yes I do realize the time this posted it technically isn't July fourth but the fifth, but whatever.

Kay, peace out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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