Getting away from it all is all Meadow knows. Living in her cottage away in the forest, built from scratch. Her in the sunflower fields and picking berries from the bushes down the river, but all she wanted was a Lover. Doing all the things she drea...
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The chirps of the Blue Jay's fill Meadows cabin. Meadow, with her messy curly hair, wakes up from her slumber. Her fair skinned feet hit her cold, wooden floor. She than grabbed her slippers and slipped them on to her feet so she did not have to feel the morning coolness of the floor any longer. The taps of her feet as she walks to her bathroom fill her quiet cabin, with only those Blue Jays chirping is the only other noise at this time. Meadow takes a warm shower, than brushes her teeth, and attempted to brush her hair but it just made her hair way to puffy. The red headed girl walks out of her bathroom and to her wardrobe that is covered in fairy, mushroom, and flower stickers. When she opened the door to that wardrobe it could be called Narnia because so much room was in the wardrobe. It help her Victorian styled dresses, her public wear, fancy outfits, and more. Meadow loved her dresses but she just wanted to feel comfortable today. She grabbed a floral print dress that was thin, and flowy. The shoes she chose were some white tennis shoes that had a few scuff marks and a snail design on them. She then went outside to check on her crops, and see if she can find any animals as she does any other days. Her crops were well when she went and checked on them, and she had only seen some snails and deer. Disappointed that she did not see any other animals this fine morning she sat down on her vine covered swing, than she got to thinking out loud, "I bet if I had my soulmate I would be able to find animals better with them." Meadow continued to think out loud and say all of the things she wanted to do with her soulmate, she just wanted that fricking soulmate. Than it clicked to Meadow, she could manifest it might help or work! Meadow quickly got up and ran by the flowing river, the berry bushes, the flower pots and her large fairy garden into her cabin. The creaking of the wooden floor as she ran to her room was the only thing she could hear. She than grabbed her leather note book from her bed side table. She flipped through the notebook, over her recipes, over her bird Analysis notes, over the different types of mushrooms, fairy's, berries, and finally found a blank page. She than began to write and write. When she had finished her writing she than said what she had written down. "I Meadow Lee will find my soulmate, she will help me find animals in the army morning, we will cuddle why we eat our homemade toast and pancakes, we will pick our berries together and walk along the river, we will be the weird moms who live in the cabin in the woods. We will pick flowers and make flower crowns. We are going to be the best power couple." Soon after Meadow had read what she had written down to manifest her statements she than went into her cozy kitchen to make some food for lunch, she only eats breakfast some days even though she knows she should eat breakfast everyday. Her lunch was just a nice sandwich with some berries and homemade bread. The rest of the day nothing really happened with Meadow. The day just went by fast, no surprise visits from her mother or animals. No loud crashing noises from the flowing river, even the birds were relatively quiet. As the day finally came to a end, Meadow read her manifestation one more time after she ate her dinner and brushed her teeth. She got into her pajamas and climbed into bed going into wonderland of the dreams she wished would come true.
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