Peeping Tom

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Waking up the next morning in an unfamiliar bedroom was not what Harry had expected, but it hadn't been terrible either.

He crept down the stairs as quietly as he could, with every intention of leaving as discreetly as he could. He had taken quite a shock the previous night, his mates weren't going to reject him! But that didn't mean he could be a burden to them.

"What are you doing up so early?"

Harry nearly jumped out of skin.

"G-good morning Louis."

"Hope your not thinking you have to sneak out before we wake up?"

Harry swallowed thickly, "Of course not."

Louis laughed, he knew Harry was lying but he wouldn't call him out on it, "Want some breakfast?"

Breakfast turned out to be toaster waffles with whip cream and maple syrup in the living room with early morning cartoons. Harry had never actually seen SpongeBob before. He wasn't sure if he was amused or annoyed, but Louis chuckled at all the silly jokes and when Harry noticed the older alpha's arm draped over his shoulder pulling him just a bit closer he found himself grinning too.

Zayn trudged down the stairs an hour and half after, looking moodier than usual. He still leaned down to plant soft kisses at the top of his mates head. He breathed in their scents deeply.

"Better than coffee," He murmured to no one in particular as he stalked off to kitchen, but Harry had heard.


Zayn had to physically hold Louis back as they watched Harry climb into the car of his best friend. He didn't particularly enjoy the sight of their littlest mate driving away with some strange man either, but he had enough common sense to know it was probably for the best.

Zayn and Louis had been mated for five and a half years, since Zayn had turned eighteen, Harry had only just met them. They couldn't move to quickly.

"Don't you feel sick watching him leave?" Louis pouted.

"Of course I do, but it's not like he's gone off to war. He lives forty five minutes away."

"In a college dorm!" Louis was down right repulsed at the idea of someone so lovely living in such squalor!

"Well he is a college student. It fairly standard practice for college students to live in college dorms. Besides you live in a tour bus for months at a time."

Louis huffed indignantly, "Well then we at least need to see him again soon."

"How about we try another date then? This time out of our house so the poor kid doesn't think we're breaking up with him?"

"Laser tag?" Louis suggested eagerly, his eyes sparkling with the possibilities. He was an expert with a laser gun.

"How about something a little less... violent?"

"Laser tag is not violent!" Louis shouted, "Its a chanell for violent energy, so you can work it out with fake guns instead of... real ones..." He trailed off when he realized this was probably not helping his case. "Well if my ideas are so shit, what do you have in mind."

"You'll just have to wait and see."


"Come on love, don't be scared," Zayn whispered, his hands gripping Harry's oh so soft hips. Louis would have been right there too if it wasn't for the fact that he could barely stand.

Roller skating. Louis could think of just about a million other things he'd rather be doing. He couldn't skate for shit, so he was left gripping the bar as he watched Zayn and Harry holding onto each other. If it hadn't been such a beautiful sight to behold he probably would have been pretty pissed about it too.

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