^~*Chapter 7*~^

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"once we get back to naples, i want to go back to school."
-narancia ghirga 2001
Third person pov:
It was just another day, with the gang.
Nothing new much happend.
Till hours passed.
And passed.
Nothing happend.
"Alright everyone,you may go to your rooms. Cause I believe that we wont have mission's today."
Bruno announced.
They all did what bruno told them to do, but except for giorno and bruno.
Giorno called for bruno.
"Yes giorno?"
Bruno looked at giorno.
"Its about fugo and narancia.."
Bruno gave giorno a confused look.
"What about them giorno?"

"oh, really they are..in a relationship? First of all how did you know?"
Bruno sipped on his tea.
"Well, i thought it was obvious. But it was not. But i noticed. They got more close and..sometimes we dont see them both."
Bruno hummed.
"I guess, we could let them, be them. We'll just support them."
Giorno hummed.
"Your letting them be in a relationship?"
"Yes, there's nothing wrong about it."
"Alright then bucciarati."

Time skip

In fugo's pov:
"Fugo! Give me that!"
Narancia told me.
"No! Your gonna throw it around again!"
I told him while i hold a small toy ball.
"But inst that the purpose of the thing?!?"
'Huh, his right..HOLD ON'
"Its still a no! Behave yourself!"
Narancia sighed in defeat.
And started to roll around the ground.
"Your really gonna do that, in my room?"
"Yeah so?"
Narancia continues to roll around.
"Jesus take the wheel.."

(I know its short, but not as short as your di-)

<---- to be continued

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