The One

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It began as any other relationship does
We were just two ordinary people
Strangers, children exploring the world.
We then became dance partners, as stupid as it sounds
Learning to trust one another, growing closer and closer
Friends was the next step
We told each other everything,
Every detail, every secret
Nothing could come between us,
Feeling then began to form,
My normal effervescent self dissipated,
Now leaving me shy and thirsty for his attention.
His feeling, however, were unclear
He wore a veneer, leaving me constantly second guessing myself
Were my feeling pointless? We were just children after all.
Barely fourteen years old, yet my heart felt that I knew what it was like to be in love.
Not long after he revealed his true emotions, giving me a symbol of his love.
A necklace, round and sparkling with little "X's" and "O's"
This was the start of our relationship,
It began sweet and slow.
Yet as months passed, things began to go out of our control.
We began to move to fast, not acting as children anymore
My heart said that we'd be together forever,
But my brain knew it was a lie.
Desperate to stay together,
I became the girl I swore I'd never be.
I fought to keep his attention,
Revealing more than I wanted.
Yet I was a little girl, lost in what I thought was love
Yet , this was what caused our bitter end.
Our parents furious, in utter disbelief
We were torn apart, without even a final goodbye
Ordered never to speak again.
For months I longed to see him, or even hear his voice.
Two years have passed, my brain still clouded with unanswered questions
To this day I'm still convinced that this truly was love
I constantly question my current state,
wondering was it love or merely just a big mistake?


I just needed to get this out, I've been holding it in for years. My words so ordinarily clear came out all jumbled and somewhat unclear. It may appear that the guy I'm talking about was bad and using me, but the truth is he was the greatest guy to me. Besides the stupid stuff I did that I shouldn't have, to me that was true love. I'm still convinced.. Many may see me as being an idiot or even crazy for holding on to this feeling for so long but to me he is and always will be "The One". Even if I don't know how he felt or feels, it doesn't matter because what I feel is real.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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