"Alexander..." 🥺

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It was 2AM in the morning, when the horrible day began. Martha Washington was laying in her bed, George holding her hand tightly. For a few months now, Martha has gotten sick. Very sick. No matter how hard the doctors tried to help her get well again, she would just get sicker and sicker until the doctors knew that there was no use. She was sent home knowing that she would soon die. She woke up that night, gasping for breath, which woke up George. He called an ambulance but it was too late. 

"Alexander..." she said quietly before passing away. When it hit George that his wife was gone, he screamed loudly in pain. He hugged her tightly, not prepared for what happened next.

"Dad? What's going on?" a nine year old Alex was standing in the doorway. The scream had woke him up. 

"N-Nothing, son," George lied. It was too soon. He was still in shock. 

"Why did you scream? Is mom okay?" Alex didn't know that Martha was going to die. Martha didn't want to worry him. All Alex knew was that she was ill. 

"Yes. She's just - she's just sleeping," George sniffled trying his best not to cry and worry Alex. He didn't want him finding out, not yet, "you should go back to sleep."

"Okay..." Alex knew that something was up but he didn't question it. He tucked himself into bed. I might write mom a short story tomorrow. Make her feel better. Alex thought to himself before falling asleep. 

George didn't stop hugging Martha until the ambulance came and took her away. He didn't sleep for the rest of the night. How could he sleep knowing that the only woman he loved was now gone? He spent the night trying to write down what he should say to Alexander. The poor kid has already lost both of his biological parents. He doesn't really remember them or the day he got adopted by the Washingtons but still.

Alex came running down the stairs and into the kitchen at 9:25 that morning. He was so excited to write a story for Martha! He wrote her stories lots of times and she always beamed happily when she read them. While he was waiting for his bread to toast, he made a start of the story. Martha was the leading character, of course. It took him a while to eat his breakfast as he was completing the story while he ate his toast. He was thrilled to show it to her! George heard Alex washing up his breakfast plate so he thought that he should tell him now.

"Morning pa!" Alex gave a gappy smile at George. He's lost a few baby teeth, "I wrote another story for mom!" Alex ran up to George, holding his story, "Do you think she'll like it?"

He looked so happy. And George was going to destroy that. He couldn't say anything. Instead he fell to his knees sobbing loudly. Alex was confused but he put his handwritten story on the table and hugged George tightly. His father never normally cried but recently he's been crying slightly and nobody has told him why. But he's never cried like this before.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked. He just wanted to help George as best as he can. George picked up his son and sat at the couch holding him tightly. He took a deep breath.

"Dear Alexander, how to say to you? Sometime last night, your mother breathed your name and like a flame that flickers out too soon, she died. She's gone." he was interrupted by more tears. Alex was in disbelief. No. How? Why? He started to cry too. He hugged his father tightly and George hugged him back. He had to continue.

"She dedicated every day to you. She changed my life – she made my life worthwhile and when you smile," he paused to look at Alex. It was impossible, but he had Martha's eyes. Even though they adopted him, he somehow had Martha's eyes, "I know a part of her lives on. I know I can go on. You have come of age with our young nation. We bleed and fight for you. Sometimes it seems that's all we do. And you and I will build a strong foundation and I'll be here for you; the way is clear for you to blow us all away someday, someday." 

Alex was sobbing loudly. His mother can't be gone. She can't be. This was all so sudden for him.

"I want her back..." he said quietly.

"Me too," George sniffled, "but she had to go..."

Alex ran to his room. He needed some time to think. George laid on the couch crying his heart out. It was a tough day.

Heyo! It's Alex!! Did I cry writing this? Yes but we don't talk about that. So uh I hope you enjoyed? Am I able to say that for angst..? 

Also I had trouble thinking of a name for this chapter which wasn't 'When Martha Big Died' so if you have any suggestions please let me know!! 

Thank you so much for reading and hopefully I'll see you again next chapter!

Goodnight/day guys!!


Dear Alexander, How To Say To You? 💕 ❗ PAUSED ❗Where stories live. Discover now