Happiest Year

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(A.N. I read a oneshot that was a lot like this so idea creds to rihannadavisis)

Type: songfic

Top= Noen

Bottom= Chase

Description: It's been years since lights out tour and most of them stayed together or at least stayed in touch. Except two people... Chase and Noen.


Noen's Pov:

It's been two years since lights out tour, since I ended it. I never called him and we stopped talking.

I'm really on the ropes this time

Chase's Pov:

I don't know why we stopped talking but it certainly wasn't because of me. I tried calling him and texting him but he never answered. I still try. He never responded and I don't think he ever will. I don't know why I still try, but one thing I know is I will never give up.

I've been fighting all my life for you

Noen's Pov:

Chase still try's to contact me but I never answer cause I'm scared. I'm scared he'll hate me cause I ended it. I'm scared that he's still mad at me for saying goodbye.

I never should have said goodbye 

I ended up getting a girlfriend to keep my mind off him. I miss him a lot. He was always there for me even when we weren't together. He was the best thing that ever happened to me and I ended it.

But I guess that's what stupid people do

I always wish I never ended it. I miss him everyday. I cry myself to sleep most nights.

Cause you gave me peace. And I wasted it

He's calling me again but this time I picked up because there's something I need to admit to.

I'm here to admit you were my medicine. Oh I couldn't quit

Chase's Pov:

He picked up and in that moment I decided that I needed to see his face again. So what if he thinks I'm clingy I need him. I called Anthony and got his address once he hung up. I put the address in my phone and started walking to his house. I got to his house and rang the door bell. He answered the door and as soon as I got into the house I collapsed and started crying.

And I'm down on my knees again

Noen came and just sat there and hugged me. I missed his hugs. Whenever something was going wrong his hugs always cheered me up. I knew as soon as I saw him that we could never be together again, but I still wanted to at least be friends. He picked me up and brought me to the couch whispering in my ear that everything was going to be ok.  Then he said something I never thought I would hear...

Thank you for the happiest year of my life

Noen's Pov:

I realized after Chase said that I could never forgive myself for ending it. I think Chase had forgiven me but I could never forgive myself. Forgiving myself was a different situation because I was less forgiving then Chase. 

Don't think I could ever forgive myself

"I'm sorry Chase!" I said. I needed to say this, I needed to hear his voice, I needed him. "What are you sorry for?" he asked with a quizzical look on my face. 

I'm sorry for the ways I used you

I said.

Chase's Pov:

As soon as he said that I started tearing up. He did use me but not the ways your thinking. He used me emotionally and sometimes he used me in other ways (Oh god cringeeeee. Sry for ruining the mood but like ya).

I could care less right now

Noen's Pov:

As soon as he said that I started kissing him. God I missed these lips (Ahhhh run from the cringe).  He kissed back automatically but then after what felt like a millisecond he pulled away. "Noen we shouldn't be doing this! You have a girlfriend!" he said almost afraid. "Screw her I know she was cheating with like 3 different people!" I said kissing him again. He kissed back. Then I said something I probably shouldn't have but I don't think he cared. I also think he knew I was right.

But you know, you hurt me pretty good too

After that we did some stuff we're not going to talk about. Then we just cuddled. I was giving him nose kisses and he was giggling adorably. We then decided to talk about our past relationship. 

Warning talk of cutting

It was true after we had broken up I had started cutting I was so upset. I also talked to Anthony and he said Chase started cutting again. We both bled a lot because of each other.


Yeah we made each other bleed. And we tasted it

"Chase I know I said I said over the phone but..."

I'm here to admit. You were my medicine. Oh love I couldn't quit

Chase's Pov:

I don't know how it happened but I started breaking down(again). I was standing (not a smart decision) I collapsed. 

And I'm down on my knees again

"Hey Noen?" I said. "Ya?" he answered.

Thank you for the happiest year of my life

Noen's Pov:

I needed to say it back because it was true. "Well Chase."

Thank you for the happiest year of my life

(A.N. Sorry the ending is rushed. Anyway sorry I haven't updated any of my other books I will start soon, but the reason I haven't updated my other books is cause i'm working on a new one where I meet Nick Austin, Tony Lopez,Chase Hudson, and Noen Eubanks. There will be Choen and Tonick. Anyway ya hope you liked this oneshot. This book will not have a regular updating schedule. Have a good day/night love you all!)

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