Chapter 2

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I am woken up earlier than usual this morning, by Genevieve. "Ms., you must get ready for our guests!" She whispers excitedly. I stand up and tell her that I can manage getting ready today on my own, and she curtsies then leaves. I shower, and then throw on some really short, light wash shorts, an old Nirvana T-shirt, and black combat boots. I put on makeup, but not a lot, and head downstairs. I head to breakfast, and see Emma, my mom, dad, and sister Alexis. I walk in and sit next to Emma..."Hey Emmy!" I say to her "Hey Laska." She half smiles. "You excited?" I ask, as I eat my breakfast. "I don't know..." She says, answering. See, Emma's been in a bad mood can tell she's trying to hide it, and I still can't figure out why. I continue to eat my breakfast in silence, until Alexis speaks up. "Laska?" She asks sofly. "Ya?" I smile at her. "Are you gonna get a boyfriend?" She giggles. "Mmhmm." I grin back at her. She giggles once more, and doesn't talk for the rest of the meal. I exit the room, and check my phone. "I need to meet Asher Gray, first." I think out loud. I start to walk towards one of the many sitting rooms in my home. "Hello!" I say, as I walk in. "Hello, Princess Alaska." He says, as Emma walks in. "Emmy!" I grin. "Laska!" She smiles...We continue talking for quite a while, and I can tell that Asher really likes me, but just to ensure everything I make my move...I smile and then move to Asher's lap. Surprisingly he hugs me, and I blush. All of a sudden Emma storms out of the room, mad. Asher and I follow her out, and for the first time in awhile, she yells at me. "What the heck was that for, Alaska?!" She screams at me. "I don't know..." I say quietly, while hugging him. I start to cry, and he hugs me tighter. "Ugh!" Emma yells and storms away...I storm away too, because I don't feel like talking. Asher follows Emma, and I run farther. Once I reach my room I sit in my bed and cry, and then decide, after about thirty minutes, or so, to go find them. I walk down the halls and hide behind a corner, only to see him kiss her! I let out a slight whimper by accident and run down the hall, back to my room, upset and mad all at once. For some flipping reason Asher follows me, and we end up in my room. I cry harder, and harder into my pillow, as he walks in. "Alaska?" He asks softly. "What do you want?!" I scream back. "Why'd you freak out like that?" He questions me. "I thought you liked me, and then you go and kiss my sister!" I spat back, kind of feeling bad for yelling at him. He talks to me and I yell at him for a few more minutes, and then he does the unexpected. Asher leans in and kisses me, and I sit there, unable to think. I blush and look at him, while he smirks at me.

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