different nico

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Will is sitting at the Apollo table with Kayla and Austin, drumming his fingers on the empty seat beside him. "Gods Will, can you not survive without Nico for ten minutes?" Kayla says in between bites of cereal. Will rolls his eyes but his cheeks turn a little rosy. He responds "He said he'd be here in a minute, it's been 15 and he's still in the cabin,". Austin chimes in "He'll probably be here any minute now, just eat." Will distractedly chews on his toast when suddenly he hears gasps from everyone around him. He looks up from his plate to see everyone staring behind him, mouths hanging open. He feels a light tap on his shoulder and turns around to look up. It's Nico. But it's different Nico. It's only a small change, a black outline to his honey brown doe eyes. "Can I sit?" Nico asks, pointing at the seat Will was leaning his hand against. Will blinks a couple of times to adjust and pulls Nico down to sit next to him. He feels the eyes staring at Nico but he doesn't care because Nico looks so beautiful, his eyes glinting in the morning light and his long eyelashes batting against his skin. Will puts his hand around the back of Nico's neck and pulls the boy's face towards his own, almost smashing their lips together. A few more gasps emerge from the tables around them. Nico had never been one for pda but with the way Will was kissing him, there's no way he could resist leaning into it. They break apart seconds later, lightly panting, faces blushing red. They both turn their eyes back down to the table and Kayla asks, with clear surprise in her voice "Nico, what did you do with your face?". "Oh, that. Just some eyeliner Piper got for me. Thought I could try it on," He mumbled. Nico looked up and saw Will still staring at him like everyone was when he walked in. "What? You don't like it? Want me to take it off?" He asks Will. Will responds "Don't you dare," and pulls Nico towards him and kisses him deeply, hands going up to ruffle his hair. When they pull apart Austin looks at Will and says "You keep doing that, he's never going to wash his face again," and both the boys' faces go red.

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