Chapter 1

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"Hey guys good morning" said Yoona. She's my friend.
"Hi Y/N did you get late again??"
"No man I was living again in fantasy world"
"Did you see same stranger as before?"
"Yes man.. but couldn't be able to watch his face again"
"Don't worry.. you'll find someone good"
"I don't need anyone.. I am happy as being I'm!!"
"Oh we're gonna be late for class, let's go hurry"

In classroom..
I was wondering who's gonna be that stranger who's still teasing me with his husky voice..
"Y/N!! Where's your concentration??"
"Sorry sir.." and I started to try focus on sir's lectures.
After few minutes.. principal came in our class..
"Good morning principal"
"Sit down class. Good morning to you too. Today I would like to introduce you a new transfer student in your class. Treat him better!"

"Y /N!!! Who's gonna be that stranger?? I'm highly excited"
"Shhhh Yoona.. Sir is watching us"
"Oh okay"
"You may come in and introduce yourself to class." Principal said.
And here's a boy came into the class... I didn't notice beacuse I was busy in writing my lecture.
"Hello! My name is Kim Taehyung and I'm from XX High School. Nice to meet you all"
I got flinched on that husky voice.
"No no!! He's not the one I'm thinking."
"Okay you may sit along Y/N." Said our teacher.
"But sir-"
"No arguments. Class dismissed."

I got annoyed. I don't want someone stranger to sit along with me. I suddenly started to copy the lecture.
"Hi Y/N"
Taehyung said.
I got eye contact with hazel eyed taehyung.
*Wait did I see those eyes before?Naaah.. I'm overthinking again*
"Do you have some time?"
"Wha-at w-why?"
*Why I'm stuttering?*
"I want to visit school since I'm new here"
"Oh.. no I'm kinda busy. I have some work to do"
*Why he's not leaving me alone*
"Okay fine. No issue."
"Hey Y/N! What did you guys talk?" Yoona said interestingly.
"Nothing. He was asking if I can visit him the school"
"And you definitely made some excuse. Am I right?" Yoona said.
"Offcourse I did. You know my nature-"
"Yes yes.. come let's go to canteen. I'm starving like hell"
"Okay let me pack my bag"

Me and yoona were eating our lunch and gossiping over boy band group.
"Hey can I sit there?"
We both saw taehyung was standing in front of our table. Yoona started to tease me but I glared at her so she stopped and started to eat her lunch.
"Why?" I said.
"Beacuse you're my seat mate. In future I can be more than that."
I choked on his answer and glared at him.
"Just kidding" Taehyung said with devilish smile.
"Yes yes you may sit. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Yoona. Y/N's friend."
"Thank you. Nice to meet you Yoona."
"Hey no-"
But Taehyung already sat in front of me. I felt he was continuously staring at me but I ignored him.

How's gonna be Y/N's life by entrance of taehyung? Wait till then.
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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