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Another flight, another sleepless night. I felt like a zombie by the time we landed in Boston. I was ready for a long shower and a bed to sleep the next few days away in. Once again I sat in the back of the plane and managed to go unnoticed through the terminal once I got off the plane. I sent Thea a quick text saying I landed and I was on my way to baggage claim.

After a quick trip to the bathroom I found my way to baggage claim with my duffle over one shoulder and my backpack on the other. I hope that when I find Thea she has a cart because I don't want to carry this stuff anymore.

The farther I walked into the baggage claim the more I looked around. Where's Thea? I did a quick 180 and didn't see her. Was she running late? I looked down at my phone and pulled up our message stream and didn't see any other text after I sent the one that I landed. I heard the announcement about which baggage claim was assigned to my flight and had to walk all the way down the to it as it was on the far end of the terminal.

Just as I rounded the corner to I found Thea. She is standing next to the carousel holding a small bouquet of flowers with her SPD hat on her head wearing my Salem High School sweatshirt. A large smile crawled onto my face and as the air left my lungs. She's here.

Thea smiled and started walking over to me and I dropped my bags and ran over to her almost tackling her in a hug. Thea's grip around my waist tightened as she lifted me off the ground.

"I've missed you." Thea said in my ear. Finally Thea put me back down on the ground and I just smiled at her.

"I'm really happy I'm home." I said and kissed her cheek.

"These are for you by the way." Thea said and held the flowers out for me to take. I grabbed the small bouquet of white daisy's, lavender and baby's breath that held together by some twine.

            "These are beautiful thank you

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"These are beautiful thank you." I said and rubbed the back of her neck.

"You're welcome, how about we get your bags, they are starting to drop now." Thea said and nodded towards the baggage carousel that now has bags coming around.

Thea grabbed my duffle bag as I took my backpack and made our way to the carousel to find my bags. As I started pulling my guitars from the carousel Thea left me to get a cart to help us take this stuff to her car. Once I found the only large luggage I checked, I had all of the bags I left with. Thea came back with a cart and I helped her load it up.

It took us a minute to get everything into her truck but once everything was inside, Thea drove me home. With my return to Salem, Thea was placed on my detail. When I heard that, warmth rushed through me. The drive to my house was longer then I thought it would take because of rush hour traffic. By the time Thea pulled into my driveway I was almost asleep in the passenger seat.

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