What are we.

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It was Monday. Me and Sasuke were sitting next to each other in every class again today.

Just like usual. But this time it was different, me and Sasuke weren't annoying each other. We were sitting in a comfortable silence.

I wanted to talk to Sasuke but i felt like he was purposefully ignoring me.

Even so i wrote him a small note saying: 'can you come see me on the roof after classes?'

I passed it on to Sasuke and i saw him read it and then nod my way.

I let out a small sigh of relief. At least he wasn't fully ignoring me.

The rest of the day i was nervously waiting for the school day to end. In the last period we had english.

Normally me and Sasuke would be sitting next to each other but Sasuke was nowhere to be seen.

I was waiting on the roof for Sasuke to come up. Wondering if he even would. I was sitting in between the railing dangling my feet of the edge.

I was looking out at the setting sun. All was peacefull

Until i heard the door opening and knew it was Sasuke.

"Hey" he said avoiding eye contact with me at all cost.

"Hey, would you like to sit?" I asked him as i patted the ground next to me.

"Yeah sure" he replied. He came and sat next to me also dangling his feet off the edge.

We sat there for what felt like a good few minutes. We were both looking out to the setting sun.

"So wh-"

"Sasuke what am i to you?" I couldn't stop myself from asking him.

"You- what do you mean by that?" He asked me very seriously. As if he didn't understand the question.

"Well you know... About a month ago you used to be my bully and now yesterday you plant a big kiss on my face, kinda sends me mixed massages y'know" i said half jokingly.

"I-i don't know Naruto... I did the thing i did yesterday on impulse and i dont know if i liked it. I was just kinda lost in the moment." He said looking very fulstered. I found it kinda cute.

"W-we could try again.." i said trying to hide my blushing face.

I looked at Sasuke's face and he was shocked that i was the one who suggested that.

Sasuke was so lost in shock that i thought. Now is my chance, so i leaned in and started kissing him.

It only took him a second or two to adjust and take the lead in the kiss, just like he had done last time. But i didn't mind, and just let it happen

I was getting lost in the kiss it being way more gentle this time. Sasuke was softly pekking my lips until he stuck his tongue in.

He moved it around slowely and sensually. Me following his lead.

After pulling away for air i looked at Sasuke in anticipation.

"Boyfriend." He blurted out

I looked at him weirdly.

"The answer to your question. I-if you'd accept me" He said.

I could feel my cheeks getting red. 'did he just stutter'

"I'd like that" i said hiding my face's redness for the millionth time today.

He sat back down. I went to sit next to him leaning on his chest while we both looked at the sunset. Nust enjoying each others companionship.

The end?

An: damn i dont know... I didnt realy like this ending but i had major writers block. I would like to write longer books but i am just so unmotivated to write atm. So hope you guys enjoyed this and again sorry for the short shitty ending.

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