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For unknown reasons, Denki hadn't been himself lately. He was usually this happy upbeat guy with the energy of his quirk. It was like his electricity spread through his body and gave him this exciting personality. He always had a smile on his face, and was looking to be with the people he cared about. But over the past week things were different.

He never wanted to go outside, denied any offers his friends made to hang out, and spent most of his time in his and Hitoshi's apartment. Hitoshi had noticed, and asked about it, but each worry was replied with "I'm fine."

He wasn't. 

Hitoshi was great at reading people, and Denki was no acception. He was going through something.

Hero work had been heavy on Hitoshi recently, when all he wanted to do was go home and be with Denki. They had been together for two years now, and ever since they graduated U.A. and got an apartment together, life had been so quiet, and easy at home. Is Denki was there, Hitoshi didn't want to be anywhere else.

The drive home was uncomfortable. While Hitoshi's quirk was mind control, he could also had really good gut feelings. Not like he could read minds, but he could sense when something was wrong. He wondered what was wrong at the time. He was doing what he had been looking forward to all day. But he just felt off. 

It was the same once he pulled into the parking lot. The feeling only got worse from there. It was like his stomach was doing flips. That only happened in two situations. One, when Denki rushed to his side after he got home, and threw himself around him. Those were the good stomach flips. These were out of fear. Something was wrong with Denki. He never greeted Hitoshi at the door anymore, he just stayed in his room and yelled a hello. Hitoshi was the one to go over and cuddle Denki now. 

He stopped waiting, flung the car door open, and basically ran inside the apartment complex. They lived on the fourth floor because Hitoshi loved feeling the wind cooling him down after a long day. But at this point in time, Hitoshi hated that he couldn't just burst into his room and hold Denki for the rest of the night. 

It felt like forever before he finally arrived on the right floor, and he paced down the hallway to their room. Without hesitation, he twisted the key in, opened the door, and shut it behind him. 

There was a sniffling noise coming from the bedroom. 

Hitoshi's heart jumped, and he fled to his room, to find Denki at the edge of the bed, sitting on his knees, tears slipping down his face. His entire body was shaking, and he had Hitoshi's hoodie on. He stole that hoodie when he wanted to feel comfortable and safe. 

Denki had never been in this bad of shape before, at least not in front of Hitoshi. It was heartbreaking. 

He looked up at Hitoshi with an alarmed look on his face. His lip quivered, and he buried his face in his arm.

"Toshi, I don't want you seeing me like this," he jumped in between his words from crying so badly.

Hitoshi crawled right next to him, and grabbed Denki closely to him. 

"I knew something was up with you, baby, why didn't you say anything? You always have me to talk to, you know that, right? Oh god, Denki... I need to know what's bothering you."

Denki leaned into his lover and tried to hold back his crying. "I'm sorry!"

Hitoshi ran his fingers through Denki's hair. "Don't you dare be sorry. It's okay, honey, just tell me what's bothering you. Take as much time as you need. Everything's okay." 

Denki loved Hitoshi's voice. It soothed him. He tried to catch his breath, but couldn't seem to. It was all too much.

"I just feel so sad... and I don't even know why... I have friends, I have you, I have support, I just feel so lost! Like I don't know what my purpose is anymore... I'm tired, and no matter what I try I just don't know how to feel happy anymore! I don't know why..." Hitoshi felt torn apart by what he was saying. Why did he not talk about it with him sooner?

"Denki... you could have told me. You can tell me anything. Do you think you might have depression?"

"Maybe, I-I don't know. I'm just tired of feeling this way!" as he spoke he clung onto Hitoshi like he was life support. Now all Hitoshi could feel was guilt. He shouldn't have gone to work today, he should have stayed home with Denki. Something had clearly been upsetting him, and it wasn't fair that he was gone all the time.

"I'm so sorry, Denki. I should have been here-"

"You are! You are here, don't you dare blame yourself! This isn't on you... this is on me! Just... hold me for a little bit..." he went from being aggressive to sounding exhausted within a matter of seconds. Hitoshi said no more, and held Denki's head close to the crook of his neck and continued stroking his hair.

"Besides this week, how long have you really felt like this?" he whispered, urging to know more without upsetting him. 

Denki continued trying to slow his breathing. "Ever since middle school. Nobody's known about it until now because... I guess I'm good at hiding things. But... you make me happy, Hitoshi. I don't know where I would be right now without you. Thank you..."

Hitoshi was left speechless. Hearing that Denki felt like this for so long shattered his heart.

"I'm always going to be here for you. I'm going to help you through this, okay? All I want is your happiness, that's what matters most to me. I love you, okay?" he murmured into Denki's ear.

The blonde let out a content sigh and nodded. "Thank you, Hitoshi. I love you too." his words were almost slurred and Hitoshi could tell he was getting tired. 

They moved to the back of the bed, and Hitoshi lied Denki down. "I'm gonna go change, be right back." he ended his sentence with a forehead kiss, and made his way to the bathroom to throw something else on. 

Once he came back out in a tank top and shorts, he was happy to find Denki peacefully sleeping, slightly curled up. That was Hitoshi's weakness. Any time he saw Denki like this he broke out in a blush over how utterly adorable his boyfriend was. He crawled up next to Denki and slid his arms around him, holding him closely again. Denki subconsciously adjusted to a new position, burying his face in Hitoshi's chest.

Hitoshi ruffled his hair up a bit, then shut his eyes and tried to push his worries away. Tomorrow was the first step to getting Denki back on track. And he was ready.

// I'm Here For You // Shinkami AngstWhere stories live. Discover now