chapter one

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  • Dedicated to Lalah, and the time she jumped

chapter one

"Feelings can be controlled, but tears never lie"

third person pov:

His eyes. A dark blue, they bore through her head, challenging her to pull harder. Her hands grow sweaty and her senses alert, she needs to take her medicine soon, but under no circumstances is she about to let the boy in front of her win this incredibly dangerous game of tug-a-war. The metal of the cold gun reflects off the light and numbs both of the hands.

"A-ki-a" The boy in front of her purrs, taunting her with his playful attitude. The way he stretches her name results with red creeping up into to her cheeks, he winks, making her face progress three shades darker.

"What" she snaps, a slight hiss adding to her condescending tone. The boys smirk widens into an amused grin. Akia tightens her grip on the gun.

"Its mine!" She growls, poison in her voice.

"Tsk. think again." The boy coos playfully. He knows he's treading into very hazardous waters, and he knows he's putting his life on the line in the process.

Akia's patience grows increasingly thin, She wants the gun. Her right leg twitches with anticipation, practically begging to be slammed into the blue eyed boys ribs. Just the idea within itself makes her lips pull up in satanic smile.

"Shi-zu-ku!" Akira pouts. Her face says hurt, but her eyes scream danger. She tightens her grip on the gun, preparing to use it for an extra boost.

"Don't call me that-" he begins, but he's cut short with a foot hurtling towards his rib cage. In a flash of body limbs and sharp movements, the gun is released as he brings his elbows to meet Akia's thigh. She springs back with inhuman speed, and smiles. The blue eyed boys stomach turns. He knows all too well that when akia smiles like that, someone always gets hurt.

"Oh, Kihako!" She practically sings.

Kihako debates whether he should be happy that she finally started referring to him with his preferred name, or if he should be scared by the speed witch she can switch from defence to offence. He could tell that under that layer of determination clouding her eyes, she was proud of his improvement in fighting.

Kihako stares up into Akias eyes. A dangerous fire ignites; burning off of her determination.

He tries not to lose himself in the glowing orbs, but to no avail. Her eyes are not like an average person, or an average persons opinion of bright. Their color is a unique shade of white and silver with gray specks rounding the iris. They look almost unreal, holding so much emotion its incomprehensible. It's almost as if they can manipulate a person at will, and put up one hell of a glare at that.

His eyes skim over her attire; she's in her standard outfit; baggy sweater, shorts, tights and converse. She holds her long black hair back with a beanie, accompanied with holsters on her right thigh and stomach to accommodate her vast collection of weapons.

Kihako's thoughts are abruptly cut short as he spots a slight twitch in Akia's left thigh, right before she lunges forward. There's no one who can surpass Akias ability in fighting, the skill of that she's achieved is beyond the capability of a girl of mear 16, its almost like she was born to be a fighter. Before he knew it Akia was pressed up against his body, he could feel the heat of her cheek centimeters away from his.

"Tsk. If you plan on pissing me off..... it would be wise to keep your guard up." She whispers in Kihako's ear, sending shivers down his spine. She loves teasing him, just the look on his face when he realizes that she's won is priceless.

She drags the cold muzzle of the gun across the small of his back. He could feel her finger close over the trigger. As the gun fires his heart skips a beat, they sway slightly from the force of the shot. He spares a glance over at the stuffed bear that they use for target practice, duct taped to the wall. She's hit it dead center, without a second glance.

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