Chapter 2: Tess Has a Crush

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Booker was usually weird, but Tess thought the guy had recently started taking it to a whole nother level since yesterday.

When she went to pick Nia up for their walk to school, Booker opened the door to reveal himself to be dressed in a 80's hip-hop outfit with various chains around his neck. It looked heavy and made him slouch like Tess' grandpa. "Did I miss the memo? I didn't know we were playing dress-up today," she teased, picking up one of his chains and letting it drop against all the other ones with a loud 'CLACK'. Booker winced in pain. What a wuss.

"Thought I'd change up my look, to show the ladies I'm...likeable," he said, trying to wink. Instead, it just looked to Tess like he was having a seizure. Luckily for her, she was saved from having to continue that conversation from Nia, who pushed past her brother so hard that his chains moved forward and caused him to tumble to the ground.

The girls laughed and linked arms, already halfway down the stairs when Nia yelled, "I'm sure all the girls will be falling for you, buddy!"

"Yo, what's that all about?" Tess asked, hoping Nia would have an explanation for her twin's behavior.

She shrugged, "He probably just has another crush, you know how he gets."

"Oooh, who's the lucky girl this time? My money is on Miss Briggs."

Nia scrunched up her nose in disgust and used her free arm to hit Tess playfully. "The old lady in 3C with all the chihuahuas? You're so gross!" Tess laughed. "Either way, who cares about Booker's love life? We have more important things to discuss!"

"Like what? Do we have another test?" Tess started to panic. "I ain't study for no test, what is it? Geography? I can't do no Geography, Nia." In reality, she wasn't much good at school in general. But she had a special rivalry with geography. What did she need to memorize states for when there was a map in every classroom?

Nia laughed and removed their linked arms to drape one over her best friend's shoulder. "No test, but remind me to brush up on your geography skills next time we study." She patted Tess' shoulder and the girl visibly relaxed. Her best friend always had that effect on her. It's like, no matter what happened, Nia was always there to make her feel okay. She liked that.

"If it's not geography, what's so important?" She asked as they walked into the halls of the school, hoping she didn't forget some important date. Before Nia could answer, Zeena walked over to them, trailed by her usual posse of step team members.

"Ladies," she greeted, handing them each an envelope with fancy writing. "You are cordially invited to my birthday bash!" The girls opened their mouths to speak but Zeena held up her hand with a curt smile "stop- before I regret it. See you there!"

As soon as she was a safe distance away, Nia turned to Tess excitedly and they squealed. "That's what was so important! We totally have to plan the best outfits, Zeena always has the parties of the year. We can go shopping-" she ripped open the envelope and began to read it over, her face dropping. "It's a slumber party."

"Why such a long face? We can still go shopping for the cutest pajamas!" Tess hated seeing Nia like that. Especially when she didn't know why, so she couldn't help.

Nia sighed and crumpled up the invitation, throwing it haphazardly into her locker. Tess almost gasped in surprise, Nia hated a messy locker. Precisely the reason she made an effort to never look into Tess'. "My mom would never let me go to a slumber party."

"But we have sleepovers all the time!"

Nia smiled slightly and leaned against her locker. "Haven't you noticed they're always at my house?"

Tess shrugged, she'd never really thought about it. As far as she was concerned, Nia's house was like her second home. "Well why would we wanna sleep at mine? Trust me, there's nothing worse than waking up with my mother's toenail clippings in your pajama pants." The girls shivered in disgust. "That woman leaves those things everywhere, man."

"At least your mom lets you sleep over at my house. My mom doesn't trust anyone!" Nia cleared her throat and tried her best to stand like her mother, "My baby ain't going to nobody's house without me! You don't know their lives. What if they crazy behind them doors? Nuh-uh not on my watch." she mimicked her mother and Tess laughed.

"You make a great Ms.B," Tess complimented, and Nia smiled wider. Tess really, really liked when that happened. "But you're a teenager now, you're like, basically an adult! She'll come around. Just think positive!"

"Yeah! You're right! I'm a woman now!" She gestured to herself, and Tess reached forward to pull her hands down as a group of boys walked by, eyebrows raised in question.

The girls smiled at them awkwardly, and Tess hesitated for a moment before letting Nia's hand go. She really liked holding her best friend's hand, but she knew that wasn't something that she should really think about. "Might wanna keep your woman parts to yourself, Nia." It was hard to tell who was more embarrassed, but Tess thought that they were probably for different reasons.

"I'll keep that in mind." Nia cleared her throat.  "But can you be there when I ask my mom?"

Now it was Tess' turn to raise her eyebrow in confusion. "Your mom barely even likes me."

Nia rolled her eyes before putting an arm around her best friend and leading her to class. "She loves you, it's just tough love is all. Besides," she paused and turned her head to look at her, "I want you there for support." Tess tried her hardest to not let the lack of space between them get to her. Their faces were barely inches apart, which happened often, but it still made her heart soar every time. This wasn't how she was supposed to feel about her best friend.

Tess coughed and shouldered her bookbag, sliding Nia's arm off in the process. "Yeah, sure, will totally be there," she choked out, "see you after school!" Before Nia could say anything, Tess ran off to her homeroom. The same homeroom they shared. She didn't really think that part through.

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