Wandering Alone

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In a sea of faces, roaming from place to place, I awake to find there must be some sort of mistake. Wait, I told myself, wait to see what this might be. But I knew as soon as I awoke. That all these people spoke for me. No one asked what I would like for my tasks. Instead I was given a set of masks and told: "make sure that lasts." But alas, I would shatter like glass if I were to forget my class of men. I too, have lived in sin, but it is less about where you have been, and more about how you finish. 

To pinch life,- oh to pinch it so. To make it grow as we see fit, and stop it when we spot it. Box it in and keep it tidy. 

Life, however, is too mighty for such things. We all want to be kings, because we believe this brings us some sort of power; makes us above others. Makes us better than our sisters and brothers. 

I walk alone; yet, surrounded by all these people. Their minds are feeble, but this is because they have been lied to. It would be impossible to find you, if you were out of my view. But even in my sight you cannot seem to see the light. Fight if you must, but it will lead you to bust. And bust when you feel the stakes have never been higher. This is because you have forgotten your fire; the passion for what you truly desire. 

I have been a lot of things; but no longer, do I want to be a liar. Men conspire to make this my desire, or rest me upon the funeral pyre. Men and women that once called me friend,-- worse,- brother, yet another of my family has fallen victim to this limited system. 

Am I destined to wander alone, with no real place to call my home? Occasionally, running into a familiar face; while, soon, they leave, with only a memory of their grace? There have been people that I have loved. People who seem to understand the type of man that I am. 

But, oh,--how I miss them. For they knew how to listen They made me feel loved, a better match than a perfect pair of gloves. When push comes to shove, they loved me even more. Such a magic that I had never known before. 

Yet now, I wander alone. Loneliness has worked its way into my bones, and all the zones of my body. I would gladly leave, but perhaps this is something I need. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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