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The moonlight reflections in the water showed Bart's pale red swollen face

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The moonlight reflections in the water showed Bart's pale red swollen face. Ison has accepted his defeat, he couldn't save his companions life. He had a lot of questions about the incident that happened before him. He walked back and sat down at the tree. He even forgot about his hunger and thirst. The only things that stuck in his mind are the fierce gaze of Gideon and the rude eyes of Bart, the pond, the sand... The question repeated in mind, How did they die?.. he just stared at the rock standing tall before him, the host of this marshland. He noticed a few holes in the rock scattered upon its surface , but something amused him most is the presence of water around the rock, maybe a creek will be somewhere near, most marshlands have creeks within and ponds or pits which collect water from these narrow water lines, he thought. But there is something strange about the holes his mind whispered. He leaned forth and looked close to the rock. The narrow stream of water is flowing slowly through the surface of rock touching holes. He was amused seeing the drops of water touching those holes are getting absorbed into the hole quickly and soon the surface became dry, this was repeating itself and Ison was wondering about the absorbent nature of the rock as it is neither pumice nor limestone rock. But suddenly his inquisitive mind took light and became alert as if he had some question to be answered, he looked all around the rock and found two more holes in the middle of rock but this is not absorbing water rather releasing it and the surface of those holes are wet, although the source of water is still unknown.
Ison wasn't surprised seeing this because he was looking for cracks on rock which could release the water absorbed by the holes on top, or else the formation and flow of the creek around the rock is impossible. One... Two...he started counting holes. There are nine holes on the surface but only two visibly showing water flow, others are dry as if wanting more water to fill its hole. He cursed himself for letting his mind do its analysis on a rock when he should actually focus on solving the mystery behind the death of his friends. This disturbed him a lot, the stress of being lost in sea for days, the death of two, and the thoughts of his family...tears burst out and run through his cheeks, it touched his dry lips he licked it, he got relaxed when the drops wet his tongue, he licked the tears again and felt calm and out of thirst. He looked around the marshland to study its geography, hardly seven trees, a pond, this rock, holes.. He saw the tree he was sitting under,is on the edge of the marshland and when he went to search Bart he followed a curved in shape path and ended up at the pool which is at the other end from this shore. Processing the geographical attributes in mind, he unconsciously muttered "this place itself is in the shape of 9!!" He came across that number again. Nine...Seven..Two... He repeated the numbers Nine...Seven...Two... Gideon and Bart..their destitute faces flashed through his mind. He stared at the rock, the host of the place, Nine holes, seven dry and two wet. An inner voice whispered to him, "look Ison, this rock can reveal the mystery of this place." He stared at the rock, a hole at the center, two smaller holes few inches above that adjacent to each, another two top of it slightly parted, and finally at the very top two holes at two sides of the rock. He looked down, there were two wet holes too... he looked at the rock again. Something passed through his body, an electric shock and a tingling effect.. oh Jesus! He whispered out of scare. This rock resembles a Human!! These holes... OMG these are the Nine holes in a human body, perfectly placed as it is in our body he counted the holes again but this time with much realization of what it is...
2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 nostril holes, one mouth and two for pee and poop. Nine holes, seven dry and two wet. Seven to consume water and two to release it. Yes, this rock remarks it, the mystery of this deadly lump of land. He felt like he is collapsing!!!

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