034. i was excited

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"I'm not going to a middle school reunion, it's stupid" Niamh sighed, flinging a deep green silk top onto her bed, next to where Jaden was laying.
"I thought you said you were excited," he said, sitting up.
"yeah, I was excited" Niamh said, emphasising the 'was'
"and now you're not because you can't find anything to wear" he tilted his head and got up.
"yeah," Niamh nodded, picking up the shirt and hanging it back up in her closet. "I feel like a dress is too dressy but anything else it too not-dressy"
"What about your pants with the silver butterflies on them?" Jaden suggested
"you're worried about seeing mads there aren't you?" Jaden sighed, wrapping his arms around the girl from behind.
"yeah," she nodded, sighing as she did so.
"We don't have to go if you don't want to"
"no- I'm gonna go"


"yoooo, Niamh," a guy said, coming over to Jaden and Niamh with a big smile on his face.
"Jack, hi" Niamh fake smiled at the guy. "how are you?"
"I'm doing just perfect y'know" Jack smirked at her which made both Niamh and Jaden uneasy.
Niamh and jack had a small conversation, occasionally Jaden would join in so he didn't seem rude but he didn't like this Jack guy at all. not just because he was Niamh's supposed ex but he made her tense up and Jaden could feel it from being stood next to the girl.
"How are things going on the relationship front? Are you still single?" Jack asked
"oh this is- uh-  my boyfriend, Jaden" she smiled, holding on to jadens hand.
"oh it's nice to meet you man" he smiled and shook jadens hand
"you to bro"


"Can we go" Niamh mumbled, looking up at Jaden as soon as Jack had walked away?
Jaden nodded, noticing that the girl was on the verge of tears.


"are you okay? You're shaking" Jaden asked as the pair walked behind the apartment complex they were just inside.
"Can we go to our field?"
Jaden nodded and the pair continued to walk in the direction of the field in which their first date took place.

Trigger warning ⚠️
This section of the chapter mentions r@pe, please read at your own risk.

Once they reached the field they sat down on the damp grass next to each other.
"I'm sorry" Niamh choked back her tears as she lead her head on Jaden's shoulder
"For what?" He turned his head and she looked back up at him
"Making us leave like that" she sniffed
"It's fine. I don't like that jack guy anyway" he smiled, wanting to make the girl feel better.
"Can I tell you something?"
Jaden nodded his head, watching tears spill out of niamhs eyes
"He raped me J" she broke down into his chest as he engulfed her in a hug
"seeing him just brought back so many memories and hearing his voice again just-"
"It's okay Niamh, I'm here, I'm here"
Jaden spent the next twenty or so minutes comforting the girl and listening to her story.
"Thank you for listening to me Jaden, you're the first person I've told about this" niamh smiled, wiping her eyes with her hoodie sleeve. "other than mads, but she didn't believe me"
"I believe you"



niamh my bby:(

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