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꒰🌻꒱ i wrote this imagine for my fanpage as i just reached 1k followers !! you can find me on instagram @ minhogarden if you wanna support me hehe <3


one month. it's been a whole month since your boyfriend, minho, broke up with you after being together for 2 years. what made it even worse was that you had no idea what caused the split. it was simple, really - he just came over to your house, told you that he wanted to break up, and that was that. no explanations, no apologies, nothing. it was as though the 2 years you had spent with him, all the memories and love, meant absolutely nothing to him. to say you were devastated would be an understatement. you were utterly heartbroken, and couldn't seem to function properly without him.

when he left, he took your entire heart along with him, causing you to be the lifeless person you were the 2 weeks after the break up. however, it's now been a month and you're slowly starting to get a grasp of reality. you couldn't just sit around and sob all day for the rest of your life, you had better things to do. just as you were about to make yourself a cup of tea, your phone buzzed. "y/n, i know you and minho aren't together anymore, but you still mean a lot to us as a group. you're one of our closest friends after all. having said that, we're preparing for a comeback soon, and we'd like you to be the first to listen to our new song. would you like to come to the recording studio?" a text from chan.

you frowned, wondering if it would be a good idea to go. on one hand, you really wanted to listen to their new song, but on the other you didn't want to risk running into minho. "i can't run away forever", you decided. hastily typing in your reply to chan, to tell him you would be there as soon as possible, you threw your hair into a messy bun and grabbed your purse. with a quick glance at your reflection in the mirror, you couldn't even be bothered to change out of your hoodie and sweatpants. when you reached the jyp building, the staff surprisingly still recognised you and let you in immediately. with a soft smile, you thanked them and reluctantly made you way to the recording studio. little did you know...

when you knocked on the door of the recording studio and pushed it open, you were met with nothing but darkness. "chan...?" you called out, confused as ever. you stepped further into the room, when you heard the door click shut with the turn of the lock. you let out a strangled scream when the light suddenly flickered on and there he was. lee minho. your boyfriend. well, now ex-boyfriend to be more accurate. you stared at him, mouth agape as you took in the sight in front of you. he looked handsome as ever, with his hair plastered onto his face as a result of the hard work he had put into presumably dance practise.

you couldn't help but let your eyes roam over his body, a habit you had developed over the 2 years. boy was he a fine work of art. his white shirt was slightly translucent, allowing you to peek at his biceps. you gulped as your eyes travelled down to his legs. leather pants. he was wearing leather pants. the damn pants that never ceased to drive you insane every time you saw him in them. the way his pants wore him and the way he fitted so perfectly into them, his thickness threatening to rip his pants apart. man's sexy as hell. you blushed as you realised that he caught you openly checking him out, letting out an embarrassed cough.

"w-where's chan? i though h-he..." you stuttered. minho stared back at you and started laughing. that adorable smile of his that you fell in love with was evident on his face as he walked closer to you. "it's been so long since we've met, y/n. how have you been holding up?" he reached out to grab hold of your hand. embarrassment was replaced by hurt as you recalled the way he broke up with you. immediately, you tore your hand away from him and stepped back, eyeing him cautiously as your guard came back up.

slightly irritated now, you spoke with a tint of harshness in your tone. "chan asked me to come to the recording studio to meet him. where is he?" noticing your change in expression, minho sighed, running his hand through his hair, a habit he did whenever he was nervous. he cleared his throat. "well... i asked him to text you for me since i know you wouldn't have come if you had known it was going to be me here..." you didn't let him finish his sentence before you turned your body and tried to make your way out. keyword being tried...

minho quickly grabbed you by your arm and in a swift movement, had you against his chest as he buried his head in your hair. "let me go..." as you tried pushing him away with little conviction, a weird sense of relief washed over you when you felt his arms tightening around you instead. truthfully, you had missed this feeling. you missed feeling safe in his arms, where the world seemed to disappear and all your problems were diminished to none. you took this opportunity to take in his smell, his distinct cologne filling you up as you unknowingly sighed in content.

minho brushed his hand through your hair, "let me finish what i have to say first before leaving if you aren't going to stay, okay?" he broke away from the hug while still keeping his hand on you, bending down a little so he could look into your eyes. feeling flustered at the sudden eye contact, you quickly nodded without much thought, anxious to break the contact. he started pacing around the room while you took a seat on chan's chair, patiently waiting for him to start.

"i know i'm a month too late. hell, i never should've even broken up with you in the first place, but i think you deserve an explanation for my actions," he began before you scoffed. you raised a sarcastic brow at him, "you think? we were together for 2 years, lee minho". he held up a hand to silence you and you shrank back into the chair, rolling your eyes but not wanting to interrupt him. he took a breath before continuing. "i've missed you, y/n. i have every single day since i've left your house a month ago. i've never regretted anything so much in my life. you meant more than anything to me and you know it. you didn't do anything wrong for me to have broken up with you. it was me."

"seeing you hang out with the rest of the stray kids members made me really happy. but over time, i started comparing myself to all of them and felt inferior. i felt that i wasn't good enough, that you deserved someone way better than me. chan hyung can do literally everything, changbin's such a good rapper, hyunjin's bright personality fills the room with laughter, jisung's an insanely talented man, felix's voice is something i can never achieve, same goes for seungmin's vocals, and finally i.n's just way too adorable. i felt incompetent next to them, and having you around them just heightened my insecurities. until one day i finally couldn't take it anymore and-"

you threw yourself onto him before he could finish. tears were rolling down your cheeks as you buried your head into the crook of his neck, not trusting yourself to speak. he quickly recovered from his shock and wrapped his arms around your waist, his breathing starting to get uneven as he fought hard to keep his tears at bay. "you're the most attractive man to me ever, minho. what did i not do to show that you mean everything to me, that you didn't need to constantly compare yourself to others?", you sobbed. he looked down at you and gently used the pad of his thumbs to wipe the tears off your cheeks, hesitating for a second before planting a shy peck.

you looked up, only to see his eyes all red around the rims from holding in his tears. he was looking at you with a sparkle in his eyes, and an overwhelming sensation of adoration flooded you as you were mesmerised by how handsome he looked, even in this moment.. "i know y/n, i know. you treated me right and i let my insecurities get the better of me and ended up hurting you in the worst way possible. i spent the past month reflecting and realised that i was worried for no reason. you were always loyal to me and never gave me a reason to doubt you, and i'm so incredibly sorry."

he reached out to the desk behind you and pulled out a small necklace. he smiled at you before continuing, "which is why i called you here. i've learnt not to compare myself to others when you've proven to me more times than not that i'm worthy of your time and affection. i've loved you since the very first day we met, i still do and i will always love you that's a promise. y/n, will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my girlfriend again?" he looked at you with hopeful eyes. your heart was threatening to pound it's way out of your chest as you looked up from the floor.

there he was, the man you've loved since the day you met him, the man you loved even after he broke your heart, the man you love even more now after his heartfelt confession. the man you know from the very bottom of your heart, that you'll love till the day you die. "yes i would love to be your girlfriend again, minho. i've always loved you and i always will, that's a promise", you mumbled shyly. his eyes lit up and he pulled you into another hug for what felt like the millionth time that day. he cupped your cheeks in his hand and looked at you for permission, to which you gave a slight nod before he connected his lips to yours.

you both smiled into the kiss and you knew without a doubt that the man holding you in his arms at this very moment, is the man you are going to spend the rest of your life with.

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