Chapter #2: Just as hormonal as a teenager still in school . . .

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The Quinton Boy

"You have a what?" I exclaimed completely stunned and a little excited. She nodded a confirmation and grinned at little at my stunned face. We had left the restaurant and had arrived not long ago at her penthouse suite.

"I honestly don't know why you're so surprised. You haven't even seen half of it, that there is just a sample." She replied nonchalantly as if having a bucket list for sex is completely normal. "You know I created this the night after we met." She spoke softly. "I hated how I knew there was an unlikely chance that I would cross paths with you again so I created this list so that if we ever do meet again we won't be deprived." She causally shrugged.

I looked back down to read the list some more. "On top of a piano?" I questioned. "In the swimming pool, in a tree, on a park bench . . . on the roof?" I looked up wide eyes as if I was still the naïve boy when I had met her.

She merely grinned. "Just waited until you get to the bottom of the list, things just get a little more . . . kinky." I didn't know if I felt scared or excited, perhaps it was both. This girl really was something else. I grinned and moved closer to her body relishing in the heat that it radiated. I saw her grin when she noticed me moving closer and just wrapped her arms around my neck bring our faces until we were inches apart. I felt her sweet warm breath on my face and my eyes flickered to her soft plump lips. God, how I wanted to kiss them into eternity .

Licking my lips, I flicked my gaze back up to her eyes before moving our faces even closer. Just as our lips were about to touch my phone started ringing loudly and I groaned but didn't move from our close positioning. I slid the phone out of my pocket and placed it on my ear not even looking at the caller ID. "What?" I snapped.

"Baby? Is something wrong?" a familiar female voice spoke through the headset. I actually had to stop and think for a moment before I remembered Tanya and cursed silently in my head. "Quinton baby?"

I looked at Nadia, who had a pissed look on her face, before trying to think of some excuse for Tanya. I kept my eyes on Nadia while I spoke. "Tanya, look I think we need to talk. Can you meet me at mine in ten?" I hung up not even waiting for a response before putting my phone away. I watched her expectantly.

"I forgot you had a girlfriend already." Was all she said after a few minutes of silence. I moved to touch her hand but she moved it away before looking up at me with expressionless eyes. "Did you even want to be with me?"

I stared at her incredulously. Was she seriously asking me that? "How could I not want you? You have been stuck on my mind since we first met and every fucking girl I'm with I can't help but compare them to you." There was a faint smile on her lips but that didn't seem to make much of a difference. "You should have seen how much of a wreck I was the past weeks when I found out I was being arranged to marry a girl that was the daughter of my father's best friend. I didn't know it was you and I went on a rampage because I thought my future was set in stone, I couldn't keep looking for you anymore." I wanted her to know how badly I meant every word, thought and feeling. I brought her closer until our chests were touching. "Baby, I have only ever wanted you." I leaned downed and whispered before I finally touched my lips lightly against hers.

Before the kiss could get any deeper my phone started ringing again. I groaned and looked at the caller ID. Tanya. "I think you should get going." I hadn't realised Nadia was peeking over my shoulder and looking at the screen. I sighed reluctant to leave her. As if reading my thoughts she gently squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry about me, just go." And she kicked me out of her penthouse suite.

To be honest, I was dreading the 'talk' I was going to have with Tanya. I knew she had feelings for me but I had only agreed to this relationship because we were 'part-time' girlfriend and boyfriend. There was no way in hell that I would settle for good with someone who wasn't the beautiful Nadia Santos. I finally pulled up to the front gates of my 'house' and scanned the key card that I always used to enter quickly. 'House' was putting it lightly, it was more a mini version of castle only less medieval looking and more modernized. I could see Tanya's cherry red Ferrari and couldn't help but roll my eyes at how typical it sounded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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