Aariz (part 1)

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Hanna's POV 

After the weekend spent at my grandparent's place, I returned home. I was so busy in my own world that I forgot to recharge my phone. I immediately plugged-in my charger and waited for my phone get enough charge so that I can switch it on.

*45 minutes later*

I switched on my phone and suddenly a notification popped up. It was from Friendsbook. I hurriedly clicked on it and my heart froze for a second. It was from 'Aariz'.

"Heya Bestfriend :*" he said with a kiss emoji. I just wanted to scream my happiness out loud but had to control. My smile grew wider to the thought that Aariz messaged me the night when we kind of had a moment.  But since my battery was dead I could not reply nor even see the message.

OH MY GOD ! I was definitely behaving like a typical teenage girl who is behaving like a crazy girl just because I got a text from that one boy my heart skipped a beat for. 

I was quick to reply to him.

"Heya" I said. I did not send any emoji since I did not want him to think that I am excited to talk to him. Also, there is nothing wrong to play hard to get especially when you're not the type of girl who has been fooling around.

I lied down on my bed and kept on thinking about what we are and what we could be.

Aariz's POV

I am the hot and popular guy that every girl wants, especially the slut types since I was a player. For me, I date girl who I find hot just to be able to brag. I never felt anything for the girls just that I used to enjoy their company and once I get bored, I break up with them. 

I am the kind of boy who gets bored easily. And never at that point of my life I expected to feel anything for a girl.

I was in the car with my uncle Jake who was going to meet his girlfriend's sister and brother in law. I always love to accompany uncle Jake because I get bored by just being at home. I was a bit shy and nervous that day because Veronica talked a lot about her niece named Hanna. She was going out with  us too alonside her parents.

I've heard so much about her, I mean I've heard many good things about her from how intelligent she is to how beautiful she is.  After hearing so much, I doubted that I was her type of boy. A princess like her deserved a prince.

I don't know why I felt kind of hurt I guess at the thought of her not liking me and her being out of my league. But she was all I could think about.

My thoughts were interrupted when I hear uncle Jake's voice.

" Aariz, Can you please just unlock my phone and text Nica ,please." he said.

Since he was driving he asked me to send a text to Veronica. 

*15 minutes later*

He was on a call with Veronica and he said that I was shy because Hanna is coming too and I felt my cheeks heated up from embarassment. I don't know what's so special about that girl that just by hearing her name, my brain stop functioning. 

We picked up Veronica's sister and her husband then we went on to the destination Veronica sent us, It was where she was working. She is a makeup artist and she was at a wedding venue with Hanna. 

Her sister went to look for them inside and minutes later they were walking towards the car. In the moonlight, I caught a glimpse on Hanna's face. I was like damn! that girl is gorgeous. For some unknown reason It was the first time I didn't use the words like 'hot' or 'sexy' to describe her.

She was the definition to simple but oh so damn pretty. She seemed a little bit grumpy or I guess I should say nervous. She got in the car and I got in the car too, I gave Veronica a chocolate which she gave to Hanna saying that I gave it to her.

"No Thanks!" Hanna said. I felt bad.

We all got in the car but Hanna was at the opposite ends and I just could get my mind off her. We went to buy food and went to a nearby park to eat, all I wanted was to look at her but she never seemed to be interested in me.  A dog was coming her way while we were all eating so she changed her place and to sit in a bench infront of all of us and all I could do is smile at her innocence.

After the meal, I was showing some messages to Veronica about some girl who was very rude to me. Hanna was sitting on Nica's lap and she hugged her in a way that she could see all the messages. In order to save myself from further embarassment, I said, 

"Those messages were meant only for you to see Nica." 

" I'm not interested in seeing his messages either." Hanna said rudely. She always gave those rude comments or being grumpy when I am talking to Veronica when she was with her.

Some hours later we all decided to leave since It was very late already. I got in the car and Hanna got in the car too, OMG! she was sitting next to me and our arms were touching. I could feel her and smell the sweet vanilla fragrance of her perfume. It was driving me insane. 

A romantic song was playing which was suiting the moment.

On the back seat , we were 4 people sitting that's why I got the chance of having her so close to me and all I wanted was for that ride to never end because I don't know if I will get the chance of being close to her ever again.

I wanted to annoy her or you may say I wanted to get her attention because she was so close to me yet she was so calm and not giving any reaction of feeling my warmth on her arm. I deliberately put my shoe on hers. She did not react maybe she thought that was a mistake. So, I pressed my shoe on hers and, 

" Hey, Watch out, you're hurting me."  She said and everybody could hear her.

" I'm sorry, I didn't know where I was resting my legs." I said in an embarassing tone. Her parents were sitting next to us and I did not want them to know that I was trying to get their daughter to notice me.

Just like that, her innocence took my breath away.  

I was determined to find out what's so special about her and I guess It's not going to be an easy task.

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