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Alexander Beaumont

Main male lead.
Most of the story will revolve around him and the female lead. He will also have the most POVs throughout the chapters. He doesn't have a picture or a description of his looks so you can think of how his looks are like in your head as your ideal man.

He's a very carefree and cheerful person, always bringing smiles around to even the rudest of people, he's also a pretty smart student. Rarely late, always early, studies for hours every day. He's also good at keeping secrets which is why many confide in him whenever they need to talk. He does get sick of the unwavering attention but he knows if he shows anything other than usual he'll be hated so he has most of his emotions bottled up inside of him.

His hobbies consist of ice skating, bowling, and arcade games. Most of the time he'd either go to an arcade or a skating rink after school when he finished studying and doing his homework he'd stay there for hours, he would even fall asleep there when he was exhausted by school and work. He gets a little angry seeing people who don't study as if they didn't care about their lives but they still are able to use their parent's money to do everything.

Athanasia Monroe

Main female lead.
Most of the story will also revolve around her. She will have the second most POVs throughout the chapters. She does not have any picture or description as to what she looks like so imagine her as you whatever you would like for her to look like

Her hobbies consist of painting, singing, and playing the piano. She is an artist, amazing at painting the moment her hands touched a paintbrush and her singing is very soft and sweet but when she needs to it could be strong and confident though she never really had to sing that way. She also has a love for the piano, she just couldn't help the way it made her feel hearing the melodic sounds echo through the music room as her fingers weaved through the black and white keys.

She's a very quiet and introverted person, she isn't the best at socializing but when she does try and when she puts effort into talking to others makes her give off a special charm. She's also the top in her class, though she's never really had a need to study. She was one of those people who didn't have to study but still get good grades. At first, she's very timid and shy but once she opens up to you she's very caring and bubbly despite her usual character.

Ms. Valentine

Main teacher
Ms. Valentine will have many appearances within the chapters, she will also have lots of short POVs in the middle of chapters just to show how her character feels about the situation and so you, the readers. Can get a bigger look as to how the characters feel about the situation by what's happening in the story. She will have the fourth most POVs in the story. She also doesn't have any picture or character description so you can imagine what she looks like in your head.

She is a good teacher, though a little aloof she can be very strict. It's very easy to tick her off on her bad days but on her good days she'll be giving out candy like it's Halloween and everyone around her is little kids dressing up and ringing doorbells for candy.
She also loves helping students with their problems, whether or not they just need someone to listen or if they need advice she's always there hence why she was voted best teacher for three years in a row.

Veronica Bourgeois
Everyone who reads this will either hate or not care about her by the end of this book and I can't blame you as she does do lots of horrible things. She has no sad backstory. She also does not have a picture like the other characters so you can imagine her like whatever you want her to look like. Though there will be times where you'll start to find yourself feeling bad for her, let me assure you that you will change your mind.  She is very bad to not only the main character but everyone around her except Alexander. She will have the third most POVs throughout the story.

She's really arrogant and mean for no reason whatsoever to everyone whenever her beloved Alexander isn't around, but when he is she has a whole change in personality changing from a demon to an angel as if she were sent from heaven to bless the people of that school. This of course caused her to have many enemies but also gave her a small entourage of four people. Alexander, of course, being a good person he never really realizes how much of a bad person she was.

Everyone else are just side characters that are either used for comic relief or to keep the story going so they will not be relevant to the story.

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