Chapter Ten

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The ride was silent until Lia turned to the driver with a 

"Drop me off here will you?"

Five  turned to face her and frowned "I thought you were coming with me?" He asked, trying not to show he cared.

Lia smiled, "I'll find you, I just have to do something first."

Five nodded without looking at her. With one last look at her friend she hopped out of the car, not looking back as it sped away. It didn't take her long to walk to the Umbrella Academy, and on arriving she didn't bother knocking, simply walked straight in, thankful there was no one around.

Reggie always  had a knack for keeping things the same - the office was identical as it was when he called her into it all those years ago

Little Ophelia was sat on the floor staring at Fives Portrait  as she was called down. She was still dressed in her uniform, her curly brown hair drawn back in messy braids that hadn't been undone for days. Her eyes were blank - as if she wasn't quite there. Her eyes - once a deep hazel were grey as stone and held a dead look to them. She looked like a walking corpse.

"Number Eight! Come here please." Call her Father.

Klaus was beside her laughing "Uh oh someones in troubleeeeeeeee" he taunted patting her shoulder as she stood up, without a single word. She barely acknowledged him with just a quick empty smile. Klaus' face fell slightly hoping for her to turn around and laugh with him like she did before Five left. But those days were long gone.

Her footsteps were silent almost as if she was never there at all.

The other children sneakily followed her, wondering why she alone was being called. They were always called as a group - except from Vanya - and some feared she was being kicked out of the academy for being...the way she was. Some of them wondered why he was letting her walk so slowly without even a command to speed up as he often did with them. 

"Come here Number Eight."  their father commanded. He was stood, tall and proud with an unreadable expression on his face.

Reggie stood outside of his office, waiting patiently  for the zombie state of Lia to reach him. When she did he welcomed her inside the clean yet cluttered room. The siblings gaped a the unusual sight of someone even being allowed near their fathers office.

"Did he just let her in his office??" Luther asked "He doesn't let me in his office."

"Shut up Luther, there's something wrong with her and he knows it."  Diego snaps.

"She's just being dramatic - I mean we all lost Five not just her." Allison sulked. Klaus gasped dramatically

"But Five and Lia are soulmates - and not in the way that you and Luther are," he argued back

"Oh so how come it's okay for Five and Lia to be  a thing but not me and Luther?"  Allison snapped back.

"Because  we were born on the same day, which makes us related. Lia was born on a different day remember?" it was now Diego who joined the augment.

"That makes zero sense," scoffed Luther

"Will you guys shut it? I want to know what's going on," Ben said.

Inside the office Reginald put his hand on her shoulder "Have a seat Ophelia."

"Why did you call me here Father?" she asked, looking up at him. He didn't move from his desk.

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