i finally

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[ this chapter will be in narrative form ]

1:12 PM

Marinette immediately placed her phone inside her sling bag after sending the message to Adrien. With a sigh, she scooped both of her arms below six boxes full of freshly baked croissants, silently and desperately praying to the gods that her clumsiness would leave her soul for a day and let her hold these boxes until she finds a cab. Her hair loosely fell on her shoulders as she didn't have time to fix it; she spent most of her morning baking the croissants, adding a little "extra" on each piece to make it more special.

Honestly? She didn't even know why she did all of this for a guy she knew over text. Well, technically she'd already known who he was before since he's literally a super famous model. But he's shown her a side that the world unfortunately hasn't seen: the real Adrien Agreste.

To the rest of the world, Adrien Agreste was the perfect human being. Everyone viewed him as sunshine and a greek god put together to form a handsome, sparkling blonde boy. He had no flaw. He looked good in every angle, in any hairstyle, and he'd even look stunning in a trash bag. Everybody had this idea of him as the boy who has it all, and doesn't need anything else.

But Marinette saw him with his walls broken down. She saw that underneath his perfect life facade, he was just like any other person who needed to be loved as he is. He was just an ordinary guy trying to live his life, having problems of his own. She saw him as the boy who has it all, but is still missing something.

Marinette admired the perfect Adrien Agreste.

But she liked the flawed Adrien Agreste even more.

As she stepped out of the bakery with the boxes of delicious delicacies wobbling on top of her arms, a taxi fortunately pulled over in front of her.

"Taxi?" The driver asked after rolling his window down, loudly chewing on his gum as he looked at the six huge boxes balancing on Marinette's arms. "Um, need help on that, kid?"

"Y—Yes, please," Marinette groaned, her arms getting wobblier by the second.

The driver instantly went out of his car and took four boxes from Marinette. After muttering a quick thanks, she opened the back door to let the driver slide the boxes on the seats before her. When she was finally holding nothing, she immediately rested her arms, which now felt like jelly.

"Where to, miss?" The driver asked once they went inside the car.

Marinette hesitated, knowing the how far the location was, but she knew there was no turning back. Adrien needed her. And she wanted to help him as much as she can. The fact that he can see her face didn't matter anymore. For some odd reason, she was certain that his feelings wouldn't change even after he'd see her looking like a hot mess. Her doubt before was never really necessary since she only drowned herself in her own insecurities, which resulted to hurting Adrien.

This time, she won't let anything stop her, not even herself.

If Adrien thinks I'm ugly, then so be it, she thinks, What matters is that I know he's okay.

Marinette proceeded to tell the taxi driver about her destination, which made her receive a dirty look. "Are you kidding? That's a two hour drive, kid!"

"I'll pay with cash," Marinette insisted, holding onto her sling bag with her wallet in it, which is filled with all the money from her piggybank. "Just take me there."

The driver paused for a moment while looking straight ahead, thinking. Marinette prayed that he'd agree, since she can't really carry these boxes again and wait for another cab to arrive. She'd most probably be disabled by then.

"Oh, alright," he finally said. "You sure you can pay with cash?"

Marinette nodded aggressively, unable to control her smile.

"Thank you," she said, which earned a slight wave from the driver as he started the engine and shifted the gears.

And off they go to the sunshine boy of France.

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