The Kissing Booth 2: Going the Distance - Chapter 1

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Hi everybody! For those of you who don't know, The Kissing Booth started on Wattpad back in 2011 - and with The Kissing Booth 2 coming to Netflix on July 24th, I'm sharing the first chapter of the novel the movie's based on here on Wattpad! Enjoy!

A quick note: There are some differences between this second book and the movie (notably, my characters of Levi and Amanda have become Marco and Chloe in the film!) but that's kinda to be expected for an adaptation, and there are still plenty of similarities, so I hope you guys enjoy both.

Oh, and if you haven't seen the trailer yet - I've linked it here, so enjoy!

'Senior year, baby!'

Once the car door slammed shut behind me, I tilted back my head and let my eyes slide closed, drawing in a deep breath. The sun tickled my cheeks, and a smile played on my lips. The school smelled of freshly cut grass, and the air was filled with the bubbly chatter of teenagers running round the parking lot, meeting up with their classmates again after summer. Everybody always complained about how much they hated the first day of school – I was sure that everyone secretly loved it, though.

There was just something about the new school year that meant new beginnings. Which was kind of ridiculous, because it was high school, but it didn't stop it feeling true.

I turned to Lee, eyes open again now, and he shot me a grin.

It may have been a Monday morning, but I felt weightless. My smile mirrored his. 'Senior year, here we come,' I replied softly.

If there was anything worth being excited about, I was sure that the start of senior year was it.

I'd heard people say that your college years were supposed to be the best years of your life – but college sounded like it was going to be so much more hard work than high school, even if it did mean more freedom. Lee and I were convinced that senior year was the last year to really enjoy ourselves, before adulthood hit.

I moved round the car to lean against the hood, next to Lee. He'd always made a fuss about his precious car, the '65 Mustang he cherished so dearly; hell, it practically sparkled.

'I can't believe it's finally here. I mean, think about it: this is our last first day of high school. This time next year, we'll be at college . . .'

Lee groaned. 'Don't remind me. I already had that speech off my mom this morning – complete with tearful eyes. I don't even want to think about college.'

'Tough luck, buddy. It's inevitable. We're moving up in the world.'

Even though the thought of college applications made my stomach twist, too, I'd tried to work on my application essay over the summer, but still hadn't made any progress on it.

I didn't even want to think about the possibility that Lee and I would end up at different colleges. That he'd get accepted somewhere I didn't. That we might end up apart next year. We'd spent our entire lives practically joined at the hip. What the hell would I do without him around?

'Unfortunately,' Lee was saying, drawing me out of my thoughts. 'Look, you're not going to start waxing lyrical about the future or something, are you? Please say if you are. I'll leave you to your thoughts and go find the guys.'

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