Chapter 7

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There's some pics on the side of Gabby and what she is warring on the side-------------------->

Chapter 7:

{Emily White's p.o.v}

"no it is not," I lie and I hear my wolf say 'yep that's right,' I ignore her,

"yea it is Em," I love the way he says Em,

"no," he comes up close to me and whispers huskily,

"yea it is babe," I shiver and then he walked of.

***3 weeks later***

"Emily I like you to meet my friend Gabby," I looked at her and she had long dirty blonde hair and she was wearing a crop top and pink shorts,

"hi Gabby nice to meet you," I shake her hand,

"nice to meet you to," she smiles wickedly, I got a bad feeling about her.


Sorry if is short but I hope you liked it. If you want more please vote and comment!!!!.

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