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"Hi! My name is Y/n. Can we be friends?"

The quiet student looked up and glanced at you. He readjusted his glasses with his middle finger. You smiled at him while offering him your left hand.

"No.", he answered and looked at his book again.

Overtook by complete shock, you stood there for a couple of minutes while staring at him in disbelief.

"Leave.", he ordered in his low baritone voice.

You shivered because of the coldness in his voice. You walked away with disappointment and a broken heart.

Seungkwan, your male best friend approached you. He placed his arm around you shoulder and tried to cheer you up. "I told you. He doesn't like being around with someone.", he said and rubbed your shoulder to comfort you. "He lives in a different world, a fictional one. He only likes his books, nothing more, nothing less. So, Y/n, please stop trying to befriend him."

You fiddled with your fingers and heaved a sigh. "I was so sure that no one wants to be alone.", you said as you looked back at the quiet student who earned your interest.

"But he does."

Seungkwan was absolutely right about Wonwoo wanting his books more than anything else. He goes around the campus with his nose always stuck in a book, a different one everyday. In his first week at the university you were both attending in, you swore that you have seen him with 10 different books every day.

He's a transferee and moved to your school in the middle of the semester. Heads spun to his direction whenever he's walking because he looked so handsome and intelligent. He even earned a number of admirer's even without talking.

Well, who wouldn't fall in love to Jeon Wonwoo anyway?

Champion in Chess and Archery, Top Student in Pledis University and hella good-looking fellow with his fox-like eyes, thin lips and perfectly shaped face. Even though he never made unnecessary contact with anyone, at all, he managed to snatch away everybody's heart.

And perhaps, that includes yours too.

Though it might be too early to announce, you kept on catching yourself staring at him almost everyday and thinking about him every night. There was just something that was very intriguing with this student.

"Let's all give a hand to Mr. Jeon Wonwoo who brought back the gold medal for this year's nation-wide science quiz bee.", Mr Choi, your professor announced and motioned for everyone to clap with him. With the mixture of envy, admiration and compliance in the air, everyone obliged and clapped their hands.

Wonwoo stood up and slightly bowed before going back to reading his newly acquired book.

You waited for him to show any reaction like a small smile or a moving eyebrow, but to your disappointment, he just pushed up his glasses and read again.

Nothing. No expression at all.

"I'm telling you, he must be a robot or some psycho!", you exclaimed and scanned for sympathy on Seungkwan's and Hansol's faces. They raised their brow on you and both looked at each other. Then, they both laughed at you.

"Gurl, wtf?", Seungkwan asked you.

"Stop gossiping about the poor guy, Y/n.", Hansol said and shook his head.

"He doesn't show any kind of expression. He's super intelligent. He doesn't like being around with people.", you enumerated with enlarged pupils. "There's something going on inside that head and I'm sure about that."

Seungkwan got up from his chair and knocked lightly at your head. You flinched. "There must be something going on inside this head and I'm sure about that.", he said in the same tone as yours.

You smacked his face with your hand and glared at him, who just laughed at you in return. "I'm not joking!"

"So, what you're telling us, is that you were staring at him the whole time because you wanted to see him flinch or something?", Hansol pointed out while giving you a cheeky smile.

Your eyes widened by how he organized the thoughts and told it to you boldly. Suddenly, you were nervous and your face blushed. "Wha---no! O-of course not! You're missing the whole point here!", you defended.

"The whole point is...", Seungkwan said and paused to swallow the food he was eating. "...you, Y/n, has the biggest and dumbest crush on him and, you don't wanna admit it because we will tease you."

You gasped in disbelief and scowled at the boy who was grinning so much at you. "I. Don't. Have. A. Crush. On. That. Psycho."

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