Chapter 2

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Authors note~
So the picture above is sort of how I pictured Gavin, but with more freckles. If you picture him completely differently, then just ignore this:)

"I hate my life," I wailed to my friend Sierra as we walked towards the bus. I know, it's pretty lame that we still ride the school bus. But we would both probably end up killing several people and ourselves if we tried driving.

"Don't even start about Gavin. Seriously, WHEN are you gonna get over him?" Sierra groaned.

"I don't know," I sighed, dragging out the word 'know'. "Him becoming all close with Clara really isn't making my life any better." Sierra gave me a sympathetic look.

"He'll find out eventually how awful she is. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings here, but I'm just saying that it might take a while. You know how charming she can be around boys," Sierra said.

"I know, I know. It just kills me to see them together." I frowned, looking down at my wet, muddy boots. It never seemed to stop raining here, which sort of reflected my current mood. We climbed onto the bus, and my eyes met with Gavin's, who was sitting near the middle. I made my way over to his seat, and Sierra and I sat behind him.

"Hey, Alex?"

I looked up to see that Gavin had turned around and was looking down at me, slouched in my seat. After he had caught my attention, he continued talking.

"Did you understand any of that last lesson that we went over in math today? I couldn't get it at all," Gavin said. I smiled, flattered that he'd asked me for help over anyone else. Thankfully, I had understood the lesson perfectly.

"Yeah, actually, I did. Do you want me to explain it to you?" I asked, hoping my eagerness didn't show.

"Sure, that'd be great," he replied with a small smile. I started to pull out my books, and noticed the awkward angle that Gavin was bent at so he could look back at me.

"Um, could I sit next to you? It'd probably make it easier to explain," I said awkwardly.

"Uh, sure," he said, scooting over to the window seat. I gave an apologetic look to Sierra, who glared at me playfully. She then wiggled her eyebrows, and I punched her lightly on the arm. I quickly stumbled into Gavin's seat before the bus could start moving. I felt my thigh press lightly against his, and a shiver went down my spine.

A couple minutes later, I had finished explaining the problem.

"Thanks so much," Gavin said. His dark brown eyes twinkled in the shaft of light filtering in through the bus window.

"No problem," I replied with a smile. I started to pull my books together, ready to move back to my seat with Sierra. As I stood up, Gavin put a hand on my arm.

"You should probably stay here, you know how the bus driver can be about moving," he said, not looking up from his phone. Our bus driver would always write people up if they didn't stay in their seat, facing forwards at all times.

"Yeah, you're probably right," I said, trying to keep my tone indifferent. I was pretty sure that Gavin knew I liked him, or at least he did last year, and just didn't really care. I hadn't really made up my mind on whether or not it was a good idea to try to go after him, or just let it go and save myself from further embarrassment. The problem was, I couldn't really 'let it go'...and hadn't been able to for the past three years. He always gave off really mixed signals, one moment being really nice to me and the next acting as if I didn't exist.

I saw Sierra smirking at my out of the corner of my eye, and I glared at her. Sierra was actually very pretty, with long brown hair and chocolate eyes. She kept her look very subtle though, rarely wearing makeup or doing anything fancy with her hair. I was a little surprised that more guys didn't notice her, but she was fairly shy around people she didn't know, never trying to stand out.

I focused my attention back to Gavin, trying to think of a way to break the silence. Gavin had dark brown hair, pale skin, and freckles. His eyes were a deep brown, and could easily make me melt inside.

"Did you hear that Evan and Ayla are dating?" I asked.

"No, but that doesn't surprise me at all. They're practically the exact same person," he said with a scoff. Neither of us like either Evan or Ayla very much, they were both attention loving and obnoxious 'popular kids'. And Ayla happened to be best friends with Clara.

"Maybe they'll be able to give each other enough attention that they won't beg for it from everyone else," I said.

"God, I hope so," he replied with a sigh. "Their whole friend group is so shallow and annoying."

"I know right? Ayla, Sophia, Clara...," I said, trailing off with Clara's name to see Gavin's reaction. He furrowed his brow, and said, "Clara's fine, she's actually really nice."

Of course. I rolled my eyes.

"Uh, right. She's just like the rest."

"Come on Alex, she's not that bad, you just have to get to know her better," Gavin defended, with a light punch on my arm. I brushed him off, and snorted.

"Yeah, whatever. I see you guys laughing for like the whole history class. Just wait until she starts spreading rumors about you behind your back," I responded, hatred seeping into my voice.

"God, you don't have to be such a jerk," Gavin said.

"She's the jerk!" I exclaimed, taken aback. "Back in ninth grade, when I beat her out for a spot on the varsity soccer team, she told the coach I had called her a stupid slut who shouldn't even try to play soccer, and started fake crying. He then kicked me off the team," I retorted.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Gavin said with sympathy in his eyes, but there was a puzzled look on his face. "Did that actually happen though? I mean, maybe you did say something that hurt her feelings. I just can't believe she would do something like that," Gavin said.

"Of course you can't, you're too obsessed with her perfect face," I said with glare, stomping back to my seat with Sierra. I didn't care if the bus driver did anything. Sierra looked at me questioningly, but I just mouthed 'later' and shoved my earbuds into my ears. Music was my only escape, and I let Coldplay's album block out the world around me.


I hope y'all like it! A little drama between Gavin and Alex😈 Please vote and keep reading, I'll try to update in a couple days. Thanks so much:)
-Juliana xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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