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I was 13 when I knew I have a sickness

Because the way my parents look at me when I wake up in the hospital

Is unbearable

They were crying.

I can understand why I saw sadness and sympathy in their eyes

But guilt and betrayal?

I didn't know why I saw those in their eyes not until when they leave me alone in the orphanage

Right at that moment

I finally knew why I saw those in their eyes

But you know what's more funny?

I don't even know what is my sickness.

I was 17 when I decided to leave the orphanage

And do a check up in the hospital.


After 4 years...

I finally know what is my sickness


The doctor said I could have done a surgery to get rid to the tumour

But the cost of it...

That's when I knew why my parents leave me at the orphanage.

My family is not well off

Therefore they can't afford to pay for the cost of the surgery.

Since they didn't want me to live, I might not live as well


Right there and then, I decided to do all the things on my bucket list

Before I die.

When I was in Japan, my favourite country

FIRST SNOW  ➼ jirosé ✔️Where stories live. Discover now