Ice Maiden

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Liliana was a bully once. A heartless bully. She's gone now. Dead. Well, sort of. But, you'll see.

Liliana followed Greta, because she wanted to see her cry. That's why she made it happen. She enjoyed the power it gave her.

Greta was sitting at the edge of the lake, though it was almost time for it to freeze. She was weeping so much that Liliana felt almost sorry for her.

Almost, but not quite. Not enough to stop.

Greta stood when she heard Liliana approach. She took a step backwards. And that small step was what had killed her.

She fell into the deep, ice-cold water of the lake, and both drowned and froze to death at the same time.

That flashback popped into her mind when she saw the ice version of Greta.

"Help me." the ice maiden whispered sadly.

"Go back to the hole you crawled out of!" Liliana shouted in her fear.

"You could have saved me." the ice girl whispered.

Liliana slipped and fell down the hill of ice. Then everything went black.


Liliana awoke in the clean white hospital, her arm bandaged and a cast over it, the room smelling of sickness like it always does in hospitals. She was alone.

A knock came at the window. The ice girl was there.

"You could have saved me. Now I shall have my revenge."

Liliana's good arm was completely numb. She tried to hit the button for the nurse but found she couldn't move. She tried to move her bad arm. She hit the button, once, twice.

Her fingers were already turning to solid ice.

When the nurse got to the room, she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the patient in the bed made of solid ice.

The Ice Maiden is rumored to still be out there, freezing bullies to death. Will you be next?

Hi everyone! Thanks for reading the first story of the many I hope to write. If you enjoyed it, please comment and vote and suggest the story to your friends. Dedicated to 1lonewolf1 because I hear she had trouble with bullies once. This is what comes of them. Bye!

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