Rewards | Male Dragonborn x Hermaeus Mora

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Hello readers! This fic came about after reading a peculiar book on Archive of Our Own by a author, whose name I forgot. Anyhoo this is my own version of a Dovahkiin and Hermaus Mora. 

The dovahkiin has finally defeated Mirrak after a long and grueling battle with him. Mora finished the job and appoints the Dovahkiin as his new champion and decides he should have a specific reward....

🍋 Rewards | Male Dragonborn x Hermaeus Mora 🍋

The fight with Mirrak was harder than he would like to admit. He had blown through all his health potions and was sick with the food he ate in the twilight of the battle. Honestly he was relived when Mora's tendril impaled the Dragon Priest's torso.

Wait- He waited until now to do that!?!, Gerald thought while Mora gave his little speech about Mirrak's mutiny. Gerald couldn't help but focus on Mora's tentacles. They were different than those that were scattered around apocrypha; and got a good whip or two when he was looking for the secrets of his black books.

What he didn't understand was why he was turned on by them. The slime would make excellent lube and they're so thick he longs to see what they feel like in his a- He begins to feel the tightness in his ebony groin piece, a blush speed across his face. Thankfully he had a daedric helmet to cover it.

"Well, dragon-born you are now under my command, and shall serve under me."- Why did that make him harder? "And in turn I shall grant you knowledge.", Mora said, no purred. Like he was satisfied.

Divines he's so hard right now he couldn't help but ask- "Can Daedra have sex? With mortals?", he asked in a low voice. You really couldn't read Mora's face (mainly because he has no face) but it was clear that he was amused because his fucking eyes fucking smiled!

"Why yes we have the ability,"- oh god "Why do you ask, my dragon-born?" Said Mora in a low tone. Mora called me 'his'!?! , The dragon-born thought, feeling his armor get tighter and more uncomfortable.

"I was wondering- now don't judge me-" Mora snort," I was wondering if I may be, er, worthy? To court you, I mean. My lord.", he said. Quite awkwardly too I might add.

You know how Mora reacted? He fucking laughed . The thing laughed. Mr.Dragonborn felt his face go even hotter and looked down to the floor, embarrassed. "Look at you, the almighty Dragonborn, reduced to a neurotic mess.", Mora purred after his laughing fit. His eyes dissipated for a second, leaving the Dragonborn disappointed, but not for long as the eyes reappeared right in front of him.

"I am supposed to grant you knowledge after all", Mora sounded so fucking seductive at the moment, and before the dragon-born knew it he was surrounded by a ring of tentacles that reached for his arms, legs and neck. "M-Mora!" He stuttered as he was lifted off the floor.

The Prince paid no mind as his tentacles started removing plates of ebony armor and took his helm off his head, revealing his red face and blue eyes, which looked at the ones in front of him. It seemed like mere moments ago when he was fully armored; Now reduced to his underclothes, Mora decided to play it slowly.

Tentacles slowly slithered under his shirt, playing with nipples and moving over his waist; While other tentacles made their way though his trousers. This went on for a little bit until Mora decided that they had enough foreplay and straight up ripped the clothes off of him. This made the man gasp and leaving the him nothing more than a naked man suspended in the air by eager tentacles.

Mora quickly went to work: The tentacle around his throat tightened (which made the dragon born gasp), The tentacles at his nipples were made more agressive, There was now a tentacle moving slowly up and down his back, There were about three appendages working his rod and balls.

The dragon born practically drooled at the stimulation, his moans echoing through Apocrophya's endless green seas.

"You have done me a great service, dragon born, ridding Mirrak and destroying his plans. You shall be rewarded more in the future."

The dragon-borns only response was a moan. The tentacles working his rod begun to move at a faster rate. One started moving faster as well as tightening, the other two working his balls began to squeeze and-

"M-mora!" He said with a shout as his hot white seed soured over his stomach and on the floor. It kept coming and splurting for a few moments afterward. The man out of breath.

When he came to his senses he looked at one of Moras many eyes and said "Thank you... for letting me-"

"Did you really think we were finished?" Mora interrupted him. As the dragon born opened his mouth he was met with a tentacle blocking his reply, oh and his airway, and another in his ass.

His eyes opened wide and his scream was muffled by the thick tentacle that was shoved down his throat. It fucking hurt You ever have something shoved up your ass with out preparation? Don't answer that question.

It felt like his body was being torn in half with the sheer thickness of it. Tears picked his eyes and his moans of pain barley heard. The one in his arse started to move with an intense ferocity that not only made it hurt more but made it somewhat pleasurable.

His moans of pain almost instantly turned to those of pleasure. The tentacle was going deeper and faster than any mortal man would ever hope to go. Hitting more and more pleasure spots than he would ever have imagined. He found himself at his edge again, his moans growing more and more frequent as well as louder.

The second wave of cum was more, er, grand, than the first. It came over him like waves leaving his body a shaking mess. Mora removed all appendages and let the man on the floor gently, letting him catch his breath.

When the afterglow of the whole thing faded and his mind was finally clear he looked up to Mora and asked,

"So... I'm going to be rewarded again in the future?", Mora only replied with a deep laugh

Hey I did my absolute best to edit this to a new format I was wanting to do and fixing any grammar mistakes and made it more understandable to those who would find it all over the place. Comment on what you think! ^^

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