Chapter 3• le Key

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Hell o
Sorry about the typos in the last part I'll try to fix it up after the story😅

Anyways enjoy the chapter!


Yukio's pov

Ok, so the information I currently have:
-i summoned a demon who isn't satan himself, he's the air to the throne of Gehenna apparently.
- mephisto knows him so I've got to be cautious around him, always keep my guard up
- I can't get rid of the demon until I either
1. Chop off his hand and burn it
2.wait until he gets critically damaged,Then he'll have to return to Gehenna
Or option 3. Just wait until he gets bored and leaves. Then never summon again.

Ok maybe let's not bet on option 3 working...

I'm taken out of my train of thought by Mephisto,

"Mr. okumura, what are you planning on doing with him?"

"Um.. what?"

"What do you plan on doing with Rin?"

Ok so rin was his name can check that off the checklist of things to ask when class gets out

( that one hecc of a long list )

"Um I'll take him with me to the dorms I guess," i didn't know what else I could do at this point.

"Wait one second," the demon,rin finally spoke up for the first time in a while
He then went up in really bright blue flames, damn those are bright!

Then where Rin was once standing was a black cat kinda like the familiar dad has except that instead of having 2 tails like Kuro he had 3 tails, damnnnnn how old is he? There was also a really noticeable difference he had bright blue eyes that if stared at long enough were really scary.

"Ok let's go Mr. Yukio!" He just spoke from a cat body-

Nvm, "let's just go." I then bent down and he lept into my arms. He was pretty light though.

Mephisto had given everyone permission to leave early that day cuz what happens was just weird.

I was heading back to the old boys dorm when I heard Izumo, The trio, Shiemi and Shura coming towards me.

"Hey *pant* Yukio we *pant* wanted to come with you to *pant* the dorms." Seems like Shika was out of breath from running since he was left behind in the classroom.

"Uh sure come on I'll take you there" we all headed for the old boys dorm.

"Hey um Y-Yukio"

"Yeah" I turned my head backwards to face Shiemi

" will we be allowed into the boys dorm since it's you know the b-boys dorm?"

"Oh yeah about that, I live in the old boy dorms, all by myself,"

Shiemi the lowered her head a bit

"It gets kinda lonely sometimes that you guys for wanting to come over, we should hang out more often."

A yeah was what I gout back from everybody else

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