Chapter 1: Introduction

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I took a sip of tea and looked out of the window, what a beautiful morning and a complete brightness , yet incomplete....

I gets up from the sofa and went near the calender hunged on the wall, another day crossed lips took a shape of smile, finally its a day!! I jumped into excitment and rushed towards my desk and opened the locked drawer.

finally finally finally!!! I can't tell you how excited I am

I took out a empty diary which was been locked in the drawer for more than a year

A diary of exactly 122 pages...

I reproched the collected dusk over it, and sat near the window

I turned it to the first page and started writing

Dear Diary....

Finally its a day, for which I was waiting for so long....

your each page is so precious to me because each of them is going to hear my love story!! Sanya's love story...."My Dream Villan".

Every girl wishes for a dream boy, i too wished for the same, i wished for the one who would come in my dark life to take away all the darkness and fill it with the magic of love...

But that magic din't took away my darkness just spreaded more darkness in my life.,The most beautiful, brightest and magical darkness which turned my life into a beautiful poem with its end still incomplete....

Who brought that darkness??? My dream Villan !! My Sidhum

automatic smile rushes my face when I hear his name ...

"Sidhum"...not a dream boy i dreamt for...but a dream villan , who brought lots of darkness in my life which was more shinnier than a brightness

My Dream Villanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें