Your favorite memory with Michael

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Aries: When Michael took you on a surprise date

Taurus: When you would surprise each other with super soaker fights

Gemini: Long phone calls when you could not be together (Guess where that one was from 😂)

Cancer: Cuddling when watching a movie

Leo: When you would go to Disney together

Virgo: Playing board games together

Libra: When you and Michael stayed up all night dancing

Scorpio: How excited he'd be to take you to a childrens hospital

Sagittarius: When he would fall asleep on your shoulder

Capricorn: When you went to the beach as a date

Aquarius: Jumping in the pool with your cloths on

Pisces: prank calling people

Thank you so much bailey_bee123 for suggesting this! I was not quite sure what I was doing, but I hope it made you smile!❤️ if you have any suggestions for updates, feel free to tell me!

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