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Physical Attributes


Eladrin or elves

Age (how long has the species existed?)

over hundreds of years


can live up to A million of years

Defense Skills (how do they defend or protect themselves against predators?)

they mostly uses magic for fighting but does train in hand to hand combat as well as weapon combat


depend on the type of elf you talking about

Locomotion (humans walk, snails crawl)

most of them walk like humans while other swim

Dietary Habitats (carnivore, herbivore)


Species Culture


mostly live in the woods, some live in the water and rarely will you ever see them in human civilization

name giving


The elf's were typically given one name (an essë) at birth. This name was given by the father, therefore called the Father-name.


When the children had become older, they received a second name from their mother, the amilessë.


As the they grew older, he or she chose a theird name, called a cilmessë, or "chosen name". This name reflected the the child's unique linguistic tastes


Spouses can choose each other long before they are married and be betrothed. The betrothal is subject to parental approval unless the parties are of age and intend to marry soon, at which point the betrothal is announced at a meeting of the two houses, during which the couple exchange rings. The betrothal lasts at least a year, and is revocable by the return of the rings (but is rarely broken). After their formal betrothal, the couple appoints a time for the wedding when at least a year has passed.


they know human langue but won't use it unless needed, evlish, demon, and when with other elves they will make kind of animalistic noises if family.

How does the species attract a mate

elves generally doesn't believe in mates, however they will try and court the person they would like to be wed to

Gender Status

both genders are equal however the woman tends to be seen as slightly stronger

do they travel in packs

Not all the time but sometimes if needed

Leadership (how do they choose?):

by who has royal blood in them but also who is the strongest


Elves do not need clothes since they live in the forest but they have taken A liking to human fashion

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