16 days

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- Louis' Pov

- 9.09am

I wake up and immediately my back is sore. I try to sit up and stretch but there is a weight on top of me holding me down. 

I look up to see Harry's sleeping face right next to mine. I feel myself blush a little bit as his face is so close to mine and his body is what is weighing me down. I feel my eyes slowly dipping down to look at Harry's plump lips and imagining what it would feel like to kiss them again. 

Suddenly Harry opens his eyes  and I snap my head up to look into his. They are a bit darker than usual as he just woke up and his hair is all messy from the weird sleeping position. He looks really good I think to myself. 

"Hey Lou" He says in a low groggy morning voice and I almost can't breathe it is so sexy. 

"Hi Hazza" I say back trying to sound chill about the fact that he sounds like heaven, looks like heaven and is laying on top of me. 

We continue to just look into each others eyes not saying anything until we hear a cough. I look up and it's Zayn. He is looking at us and smirking. 

"Um when you two boys are quite done there is some breakfast in the kitchen" Zayn says with a smirk on his face. I feel myself blush and I look back at Harry who has the same expression as me. Zayn walks off back into the kitchen and I turn to look at Harry speepishly and he just laughs quietly and starts to crawl off of me. 

We eat breakfast which was just some toast that Liam made. I don't usually have much to eat in the morning so I didn't mind that it wasn't much. However I do like my morning tea or coffee so I suggest that on the way to the meeting we stop to get some. 

We all piled into Liams car which is the biggest and fits all of us and Liam start driving to the meeting. 

In the car Liam is driving and Zayn is next to him in the passangers seat. Niall is on the right hand side of the back, i'm on the left and Harry is in the middle. I'm pretty happy with this seating becuase it menas I get to be squished up next to Harry. 

We start the drive which is going to be about 50 minutes in this traffic and Harry looks at me with tiered eyes and I just know what he is thinking already, so I just pat my shoulder and tell him that he can have a rest on me if he want and say that we'll get some coffee soon enough as well and then we'll all be a bit more awake. He looks very happy that i'm letting him sleep on me and he does one of his dimpled smiles which makes me laugh and lean my head against the window getting comfortable for the drive. 

I don't fall asleep but just relax as we make our way slowly through the city. Once we get to the coffee shop I wake Harry up as he had fallen asleep on my shoulder and we bought our drinks continuing on our drive. I just finish my coffee as we arive at the meeting. 

Me and Harry were just making small talk the rest of the drive which was nice to just talk as mates. 

Neither of us have thought to bring up what happened last night with us, and to be honest for the moment I think that is best. I don't really know what me and Harry are. I really hurt him and myself as well and I don't think that jumping back into things quite this quick is smart, but also, when ever i'm with him I don't seem to care, I get turned on from the smallest things and all I want is for him to be happy. But we definitely need to have a talk about it, and I think that will definitely get brought up in todays meeting, going forward we need to work out what to do about the roumers of our relationship and how to handle that. 

We walk into the meeting and are met with some smiling faces. Lets just say that some of the managers are nicer than others. Me personally am stuck with a pretty shitty manager, but i'm hoping that with the others around he might be a little bit better and more reasonable. Probably not. 

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