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The younger had woken up, feeling himself shiver from the cold hotel room he was in, realizing that he only wear his dress shirt, not even buttoned all the way. And of course he realizes the tall sleeping man beside him.

He then widens his eyes in realization, remembering what they both did the night before but later gets goosebumps from the cold room. The younger shivers, hugging himself as tight as he can. "Why are you awake?" He heard the elder speak out. He hesitated to tell him at first, but later he decided to just tell the other.

"I'm cold"

"Come here" the elder said, his eyes still closed. The younger complied, laying again, his back facing the elder. The elder had hugged the younger from behind, his warmth embracing the younger. Ten immediately felt safe, he felt protected and comfortable, falling asleep back in the elder's arms.


"Ten hyun-HENDERY GE!" Yangyang yelled as he ran through the hall, running to the room where Hendery and Xiaojun were. "What is it Yang?" Hendery asked as he handed the baby to Xiaojun, looking at Yangyang. "T-ten hyung is throwing up at the bathroom" the youngest informed making Hendery quickly rush to their bathroom.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he crouched down patting the back of the elder who was against the toilet. "N-no" the elder said as he let out some more. Hendery hurriedly got the elder's bangs out of the way, patting the back of the elder again. The elder then washed up, going to the living room, stumbling over as he was dizzy.

"Omg, what happened?" Hendery asked as he ran to the elder, helping him sit on the couch, with his two boyfriends making way for them. The eldest finally sat down, looking exhausted. Xiaojun then held his palm against the forehead of the elder. "You feel like you're okay though" the younger said as he sat beside the eldest.

"I'm okay, just leave me alone for a bit" Ten said as he pulled out his phone. The trio looked at each other, nodding in agreement as they went to another room.


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The doorbell rang, with Ten carefully standing up, afraid that he might stumble again. He reached for the door, revealing Johnny.

"Hey, you okay?" The elder asked as he went inside, with the younger closing the door behind them. "Except for the fact that I threw up a while ago and got dizzy I'm fine" the younger replied as he lead the elder to the living room.

"Where's the test?"

"Oh here, I'm excited" the elder said as he passed the test to the younger. With the younger snatching it away, glaring at the elder before going to the bathroom.

The elder waited for the younger, he sat on the couch scrolling through his phone till he heard a gasp. "Oh Hendery ge, it's just Johnny hyung" Yangyang said as he went upstairs again. "What why?!" He heard Hendery yell from upstairs, hearing footsteps come down the stairs again.

"Hey hyung, may I ask why you are here?" Yangyang asked as he nervously smiled at the elder. "I bought some things for Ten" the elder answered as he saw Yangyang look around. "Where's Ten hyung?"

"At the bathroom"

"Holy shit I'm pregnant!"


"You two fucked?!"

"Xiaojun! Not infront of Yangyang"

"Sorry Yang..." Xiaojun apologized as he lowered his head. "It's fine ge, I'm not a baby anymore" Yangyang replied as he patted Xiaojun's back. "Duh obviously, how'd you think I got pregnant?" Ten said as he crossed him arms. "Tru tho"

"So what are you guys? Boyfriends?" Hendery asked, raising a brow. "Well yeah, you can say that" Ten answered making the smile of the eldest widen.

"Can I be an uncle?"


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