Chapter Two / School

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I wake up to see Aizawa standing in front of my bed quietly talking to Mineta "Huh..?" I say waking up "Ah, you're awake. See last night Mineta here tried sneaking into the girls room. Luckily I caught him first. I was wondering if you'd teach him how to not be perverted." I grin "Heck Yeah! This'll be fun!" Aizawa looks at me in confusion "Fun? Okay. I'll pay-" "no no. I will do this for free. This one needs my help. I could tell." He nods and leaves "Alright. Class in session." I pull out two chairs, my desk, and my white board. "Now. What seems to be the main reason you are perverted towards girls?" "Boobs" He says drooling at the thought of it. "Dear lord. This might be a little harder than I thought. Okay so first off, you need a new look. I know just the person too." He looks up in shock "What do you mean?! Don't I already look okay?!" "No. Not really. We're fixing this whole issue. Including you're look. I have a friend who can make you look better so what do you say?" "Okay. If it will help me get the girls" "Not the point but we'll get to that."

-Time Skip To After-

-Time Skip To After-

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"Well dang. Nice job Alex. He's actually not that bad looking." "Thanks Y/n! Now I'm guessing you're gonna fix his personality?" "Yep. I need to head home now. Cya later at work!" "Cya Y/n!" I head out "what did you mean work?" "I have a job at a coffee shop." "You do?! That's cool!" "Yeah yeah now sit down in your seat. We're back in class." For the next three hours I teach him how to be not perverted and he actually does pretty well at the end.

-Another Timeskip-

"I think that's it." I say yawning. "It is?! It went by so quickly!" He says in disbelief. "I guess. Let's go talk to Aizawa." "Okay" on our way there Momo and Ochako stop Mineta. "Hey there handsome~ Where'd you come from~?" I hold in a barf "You mean you don't recognize me?!" He says in shock "no, I think we'd remember seeing someone hot like you before~" I see his fists clench "So you don't even care it's me. I'm Mineta. You're both so shallow you don't care what I'm actually like. It's all my looks to you. Don't ever talk to me. You don't know me." He walks away SAVAGEEE! I hold in laughter and follow him "That. Was savage. You've come a long way Mineta-" "Minoru." "Huh?" "Call me Minoru. It's my first name. Since we're friends, if we are friends. You can call me Minoru." "Okay Minoru, And yeah we're friends. Hey Aizawa. I taught him." He looks at him in shock "That was quicker than I expected. Was he put to the test?" "Actually yeah. I didn't plan it either. Two of the girls flirted with him not knowing who he was and he called them shallow" "dang. You really have changed Mineta. They deserved that." Mineta nods. He goes to sleep and Mineta and I leave. Once we leave we see Tsuyu Asui "Mineta?!" "Let me guess-" "Don't come near me pervert!" She smacks him with her tongue. He smiles "Nice to know one of the girls cares about my personality. Momo and Ochako were just shallow." She looks at him in shock "Who are you and what have you done with Mineta Kero!" I laugh "Aizawa assigned me to help him become less of a pervert. He got a new look and I think I did a pretty good job with making him less perverted." He nods and she smiles "That's great! Want to be friends?" His eyes light up "You'll be my friend?!" "Yeah as long as you're not perverted." "Okay! Thank you so much Asui!" "Call me Tsu." "Okay Tsu" I smile "I'll leave you two be" I say walking off what a day. I go into my room and change into a black p!atd shirt and some black leggings, when I finish I sigh "Still can't breath. Screw you binder." I head to my backyard and I sit on the bench and draw while listening to music

-Katsuki's POV (Betcha didn't expect that)-

I sigh taking off my binder. You see, I wasn't born a guy. I'm actually trans. Anyways I can finally breathe. Once I get my clothes I put my binder back on and then change. Stupid Deku is taking up the whole room with his sQaUd. Tch I'm going outside. I head outside and see Y/n. They're drawing something. I sit next to them and look at it. It's a drawing of ME?! How the heck do they draw so well?! "Nice job." I say casually. They turn to me and smile. "Thanks. It's been a busy day today so I came out here to take a breath. How about you?" "It's been pretty busy for me today too. Deku and his squad are taking up the whole room. Plus I couldn't breath either." "Oof. I guess I'm not the only one who struggles with breathing while wearing a binder." I look at them in shock "How did you know?!" "Ace bandages. They're not healthy you know? Also it was because I saw you struggling to breath earlier." I rub the back of my neck "I won't tell anyone if you're not okay with it." "Thanks.."

((Long chapter oof. What did you guys think? Did I do well? Chapter three will be out soon hopefully! Go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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