(Part 16) Heartache

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He holds you from your neck, letting your body hang out of a window from over 30 stories. His grip was tight, almost like he didn't want you to fall.
You clawed at his arms and tried to speak, but words could not form. Tears blurred your vision, and you could barely see the rage in his eyes. He stepped up on the window and brought you closer to his face,

"You tried to leave me... after all I've done for you? I've made you immortal. I've given you skills and all you had to do was thank me. I've done nothing wrong. I gave you all my love and affection and I get nothing in return. You broke my heart, I just wanted to be with you forever. Nobody would get in the way of the love I have for you. Why don't you understand how much I love you?"

You screamed at him, "Liar! You've done nothing but boss me around, you pretended to like me so that you-, so you could use me!" You were choking on your words, his grip getting tighter with every breath you took.

"Fine. If you want to be here and just spit lies then so be it. You never loved me, but you'll see, you'll love me eventually. You'll realize how much you need me after I'm gone." After he said this, his grasp on your neck loosened, leaving you and a drop over 400 feet.

Time: 4:03 A.M

You jolted awake, heart pounding through your ears. You were holding your sheets so tight that there were holes. Getting ahold of your surroundings you calmed down a bit, but a cold hand touched your shoulder and made you tense up.

Grabbing the knife under your pillow you went ahead and stabbed the arm that was attached to it. A low growl made you hesitate to go any further.

"R-Revenant?" You forgot he was with you. You got up to turn the lights on to see oil dripping from his wound. You rushed over to him, unsure of how to help him.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I thought I was alone and when you touched me I could've sworn you were a stranger and— and," You just rambled on trying to apologize but he grabbed your arm and pulled you on top of him.

With his good hand he  your head to his chest and held you. "It's okay, you just had a bad dream." You looked up at him, "How'd you—,"

"You talk a lot in your sleep. It almost sounded like you were crying and I wasn't sure if I could wake you up or not."

You stood up and ran your hands through your hair, linking your fingers behind your head. You took a deep breath and said, "I keep getting reminded of my past.."

You started to tear up thinking about it but Revenant spoke up, "You don't have to talk about it,"

You shook your head, this burden plagued your heart for the longest time, and you never told anyone because you didn't trust them.

"He's not even human"

This made you stop to think, does that mean you could trust him? You both have gotten far together so it'd makes sense, but you doubted yourself. You let your arms drop by your side and you looked up at Revenant. Nobody trusted him.

You furrowed your brows and said, "I trust you." He tilted his head, trying to process what was just spoken. You don't even know why you said this, you guys had sex after three days of meeting.

You nodded your head, reassuring what you just said. "I do trust you, Revenant." you repeated it, not looking away from him. "We both, have feelings for each other right? So it'd only make sense if we trusted each other.."

Revenant seemed to stop and think for a moment before he responded. He got up out of the bed and stood in front of you, towering over. Wrapping is arms around you he pulled you in for a hug and whispered, "Of course, my love."

You held him back, heart pounding and all.
"You still need to be cautious..."
"Already rushing into this after just knowing him too"
"But it's totally worth it—"

You moved your head up off of his chest and looked up at him with a sigh.
"Are you a witch or something?"

He tilted is head and let out a low laugh, he stroked the side of your head and said, "What do you mean by that?"

You just squinted at him and placed both hands on his chest, patting it twice, "I'm gonna grab a popsicle."

You left the bedroom, leaving Revenant standing alone, very confused on what you had just asked him. He eventually followed you and stood on the opposite side of the counter.

Checking the time it was only 4:20 am and the next Apex game started at 8:00 am.
"You've got a lot of time to kill....."
"Maybe go to the firing range"
"Or do Revenant...."

You paused right before you put the popsicle in your mouth and looked at Revenant. He stood upright and held his head up, looking down at you.
"What is it baby?", he spoke in a deep tone, barely whispering.

Your face flushed, 'god the things I'd let him do to me with that voice', you thought. "Uh— y'know, just um...", you couldn't think of any response at all, he had you stuttering like crazy.

"Just say you want his di—"

"WOAH!" you practically yelled out loud, placing your hand in front of you as if to stop someone approaching. Revenant moved from his side of the counter to you,

"Why don't you finish that popsicle and I'll let you finish something else in the bedroom?"

{981 words}

Revenant x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now