Chapter 2

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"I don't want to stay on this world anymore, it's not worth it."


A thought came across my mind.

Will I fit in here?

I noticed that everyone was already friends. Or enemies. They traveled together, in a pack.

Their cliques.

Of course, they have been in this school for years. Everybody knew each other.

I muttered a few "Excuse me"s as I squeezed through the crowd.

Some seemed annoyed, others analyzed me with their eyes. Probably wondering who I am.

Why wouldn't they?

I was the new girl.

I kept my head low and tried my best to avoid any eye contact.

Out of nowhere, a football flew towards me, hitting me hard on the back of my head.

Black spots clouded my vision as I collapsed to the ground, losing all consciousness.


"Who's she?"

"Is she dead?"

"Shut up, she's still breathing."

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Should we get help?"

"Wait, she's waking up!"

I heard faint voices as I started to gather my senses. My vision was still blurry when I opened my eyes.

What happened?

As my vision cleared, I was able to see my surroundings. Or rather, the flood of people surrounding me.

Everyone was staring.

"Omg, thank god your okay! I was so worried about you! She's okay everyone!" Rosie said as she helped me got back to my feet.

The crowd started to disperse, some still discussing about what had happened.

I rubbed the back of my aching head as Rosie and I headed towards the main entrance.

Despite being a football target on my first few minutes in high school, I was still eager to get my schedule.

Maybe Rosie and I will be in the same classes together.

She wished me good luck as I entered the office.

"Well good morning, you must be the new student, Alexis," the principal said as she gestured me to a chair in front of her desk.

I nodded shyly as I sat down with my legs crossed.

The principal looked through a file with my name on it while eyeing me constantly.

"So Alexis, I'm the principal of Ridgewood High, you can call me Miss Dawson. Your school records are quite impressive actually."

This is probably a good first impression.

"Here is your school schedule and you will be using locker 224. You can set your locker combination when you have the time to do so."

I stopped fiddling as I reached forward to collect my schedule.


"Oh my gucci! We have every single class together!" Rosie squealed with excitement, as she twirled her hair.

My ears hurt as I winced at her squeal.

"We can chat in class all the time! Isn't that fun?"


"Her dress is so pretty!"


"He is so hot!"


Even though Rosie is my bestfriend and I love her so much, she can get annoying sometimes.

Our first stop was the lockers.

As we walked down the hallways, I took in every little detail of the school.

The walls were old, but there was a fresh coat of white paint on it.

Lockers were refurbished and spray painted with different colors. Some even had additional decoration.

I could hear snickers and I tried not to turn around. I felt a rising anxiety.

Were they laughing at me?

Paronoid much, Alexis?



No, I'm not.

Yes, you are.

Oh great, now I'm having an argument with myself.

I tried to shake it off, they were probably talking ahout something else.

The laughing got louder, and some even pointed their fingers at me.

"Nice butt, newbie!"

My suspicions were sadly confirmed.

I'm the one they're laughing at. But why?

I turned swiftly to face Rosie. She looked completely oblivious to whatever was happening.

"Rosie, is there something wrong with my butt?"

Confused, she demanded, "Turn around."

I obliged. Rosie emitted a loud gasp, and I started thinking.

It couldn't be a red stain, because that time of the month is still far, far away.

Suddenly, Rosie grabbed my arm and pulled me to the girl's bathroom.

"Look at your butt," she comanded seriously, crossing her arms.

I turned to look and gasped horridly at what I saw.

A huge brown stain.

On my butt.

I must've gotten it when I collapsed on the grass.

Holy shit.

"What should I do now?" I pleaded. I can't possibly walk into class looking like this.

"Don't worry, I always have an extra pair of jeans in my locker. You know, just in case," Rosie suggested.

Can I even fit into her jeans?

I had no choice. Either this, or looking like I just pooped in my pants.

"Wait here, I'll be right back," she said while she sped off.

Rosie is such a life saver.


So much had happened already, and I haven't even gone to first period yet.

I took a quick look at Rosie's light washed jeans. Surprisingly, they fit me perfectly. Even though she's practically a size 0.

Note to self: burn the black leggings.

As Rosie took out her items, I decided to transfer some of my books into my new locker.

But first, I have to set my locker combination.



I struggled with placing my heavy books in my locker but I managed to get them in anyways.

After I closed my locker, I stepped back a little, only to trip and stumble on my bag.

I shut my eyes and waited for my body to hit the floor.

Instead, a strong arm held my waist.

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