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The stranger eyed her, watching her emerge out of the hospital

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The stranger eyed her, watching her emerge out of the hospital.

He had kept a very close eye on her these past days. She was oblivious to it for the most part but not completely ignorant.

Last night had proved that to him, he smiled reminded of the pleasure he got from watching her run around scared out of her wits. The pleasure a predator got before finally encircling its claws around its prey.

This wasn't even the start, he would do much worse but yet he had her shaking in her boots. He laughed, out loud this time.

He liked the fear in her eyes. The way her eyes would dart around, the way she'd jump at every little sound, her slender frame trembling with fear.

Oh he couldn't wait to get his hands on her, he would do all that his heart desired. He would touch her everywhere, every place he'd imagined to get his hands on, the way he'd dreamed to have her at his mercy. He would make all his wild fantasies come true. They would be happy, he wouldn't have to follow her around like this because she will be with him all the time.

He would make sure of that, he smiled to himself. That thought brought a bit of assurance to him, he had to be patient.

Soon she would be his, very soon.

The night was dark he had almost missed the masculine figure behind her. He sat up the moment he saw the man emerge from behind her. She was not alone, there was a man with her. All earlier thoughts of pleasure and triumph left him.

He watched keenly, the man placed a reluctant hand on her shoulder making his blood boil. He clenched his teeth. No one was supposed to touch his Jisoo! She was to remain pure!

It took all his resolve not to bang his hands on the dashboard to release his anger. He instead grabbed the steering wheel, taking deep breaths to calm himself. His nostrils flaring as he inhaled and exhaled loudly.

He was about to have one of his episodes...

The man had the audacity to smile at her making his knuckles tighten on the steering wheel. There was nothing more he wanted then to just run over him with his car.

That will teach both of them a lesson!

How dare he smile at her?! She belonged to him.

Only he could look at her!

Any other man who dared to do so would have to be put in his place. He could see the wild images of him torturing that man until not a drop of his blood was left in his body. 

Not now, he would deal with him later, he focused his attention back to Jisoo. He really wished he could hear what they were talking about. Every passing minute that they stayed there talking to each other made him more furious.

After a few minutes that felt like years to him they finally decided to leave but to his horror the man gestured to his car. He watched in silent disbelief as Jisoo nodded her head after contemplating for a while. They started to casually walk to where his car was parked. His hands fell to his sides defeated, he could only stare at that whore getting inside the vehicle of another man.

Some part of him wanted to let her go and be taught a lesson about what happened when girls decided to climb into strangers cars but that thought was quickly overtaken by worry. His hands found the flowers he had carefully placed on the passenger seat.

He stared down at the flowers in anger, he had bought them for her. He had seen how much she liked them, the way she had smiled after sniffing them. He wanted to make her smile, he wanted to be the one for her. He took a perfect, stark daisy out of the bouquet and threw the rest inside the car.

He clenched his fist around the daisy, crumbling it in his hand. He pulled the hood of his jacket over his face and got out of the car. He did not care if there were people around, he would not let her leave with that man. That was dangerous! She would instead come home with him. Be safe with him, tonight was the night she would be his.

He increased his step, watching them nearing the expensive vehicle. Is that why she agreed on leaving with him? Because he was rich? He would teach her a lesson, he tightened his grip on the daisy in his hand.

Just when he felt like he had reached her, he collided with a man. He would have slumped on the floor if he hadn't regained his balance last minute. The portly man he had ran into wasn't so lucky, he stumbled a bit before landing ungracefully on the floor on his ass.

The man groaned in complain but he had more important matters at hand. Jisoo had stepped into the car! He had to make haste! He would have rushed past the man if he didn't grab his leg, almost making him topple over.

"Now where do you think you're going?!" The man seethed, glowering at him still from the spot where he had collapsed earlier. It would for sure take a man his size to finally be able to stand up but he did not care about any of that. His eyes were fixated on the scene before him. The man closed the door once Jisoo was seated inside his car and was walking around the car to get to the driver's seat.

He gave his leg a harsh tug but the man had a vice-like grip on him. He stared down at him in frustration just to see him look up at him in defiance.

He snapped his head in Jisoo's direction, hearing the sound of the engine whirring to life. He could do nothing but stare, watching his girl leave with another man.

Tonight was supposed to be their night yet she had left with another. In his distress he had not felt the man stand up behind him, he had released his leg but it was too late. She was already gone, out of his sight.

He slowly turned to the fat little man behind and almost cried in victory. He recognised that man, he was the same man that had dared to follow Jisoo. He had watched how he ogled Jisoo when she was crossing the street, he'd dare look at her with what only he was allowed to look at her with.

He had scared her, luckily she had been smart enough to runaway that time, he thought to himself ruefully.

He hadn't been able to teach him a lesson that time but now he had all the time in the world.

"Can't you fucking see where you're going? You should at least apologise! Godammit these ill-mannered kids! I ought to teach you a lesson!"

The man went on and on but he didn't pay attention to his any word. Even though his eyes were on his, his mind was elsewhere. He was focused on carefully sliding the syringe out of his pocket. Making sure the man didn't notice. He kept his face low, his hood covering all his face.

The old man angered by this grabbed the hood and tried to yank it away. It worked in his favour for with lightening speed he injected the syringe into the side of the man's neck. He made sure his action was unnoticeable, the man jumped back. Confused as to what happened to him.

The contents of the syringe would take some while to take action but he was in no hurry.

He just smiled to himself because at least tonight wouldn't go in vain.

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