Family House

469 17 3

Part 5

"Oh my god Zeynep!! It' are...I mean maybe you are...!!"

Zeynep's eyes widened she cut Elif's words "Elif please don't say that!" tears fell from her eyes

"Zeynep you must tell your parents about it!"

"No!!! No no no they will die!"

"but you need help!!"

"I don't know"

"Asu!! Tell Asu! She is your eldest sister she can help you!"

Zeynep looked at Elif "can she??!"

"of course! Zeynep trust me"

Zeynep nodded "I will"
--------End of flashback----------
Zeynep opened her eyes , she wiped her tears , as always she kept on having dreams about that day and when she woke up she found tears on her cheeks , Zeynep sighed and stood up , she found Emir sleeping on the couch "ohh Emir bey last night was so tiring I think?"

Emir opened his eyes "What do you want?"

"I will prepare the breakfast"

"I don't want"

"but Emircim you got so tired last night with your mistress you should eat something" she smirked

In a second Emir stood up and pushed her towards the wall "listen to me carefully" he looked at her lips then at her eyes with a crazy look "I won't say it again don't give yourself rights to act like that with me! You can't tell me what to do or what not to do!"

Zeynep tried to push him but he was so strong "DON'T TOUCH ME!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!"

"I am warning you Zeynep!" his voice was dark and he was drunk "you are just a guest here for 2 months then you will go! Or maybe you and I will have some fun!" he kissed her cheek "we can have fun through these two months , just each other pleasure"

Zeynep pushed him "NO!" she shouted "you are drunk Emir"

Emir hit the wall with his fist "DON'T PUSH ME AGAIN!!"

"so control yourself , how could you say this to me!! am I such a girl!!"

"maybe you are!! How can I know how many men you slept with!"

Zeynep slapped him , Emir clenched his fist he pushed her but she lost control and fell on the floor and her head was hit , she touched her head , Emir entered the bathroom to take a shower leaving her like this , Zeynep stood up "I will kill you Emir!!" she closed her eyes tightly "I swear"
Asu arrived and entered the cafe , she found Kemal waiting for her "Kemal bey"

"hi Asu"

Asu sat infront of him "Kemal bey I am really sorry about yesterday I was drunk and..."

"It's ok , I knew you called me for that"

"yes , because I told your wife that I am your girlfriend and she wanted to slap me I think"

"she is not my wife Asu"

"but she still loves you...I saw it yesterday"

"she did horrible things , even if she regret it even if she is sorry , I can't forgive her"

"but what did she do?"

Kemal looked at her for seconds

"I..I am sorry I musn't be asking"

Kemal smiled "somehow I feel like I want to tell you everything"

Asu smiled "me too"

Kemal sighed then continued "she betrayed me...then she left me with our daughter alone when she was a year old!"

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