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Nobodies POV

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Nobodies POV

There was a loud shoot and a crash.

Daenerys glares at the man before her "oh honey, look at the mess you made." Lucifer say

Steve rushes into the room.

"Oh my God that's Captain America." Dean gushes


Daenerys sits across from the Winchester's and Lucifer. The goddess eyes them.

Steve stands behind her like a bodyguard.

"It's been a while beautiful, you haven't aged a day." Lucifer says

Daenerys bares her teeth at him, alarming the Winchesters. "I don't think she'll want to help us." Sam says

"Who exactly are you guys." Steve ask

Suddenly the Avengers stumble in. Dean and Sam's eyes widen in awe.


After Sam and Dean finish fangirling.

"Why are you here Lucifer." Daenerys ask "wait your name is Lucifer." Tony ask amused

Lucifer rolls his eyes.

"Yes that's my name God gave it to me blah blah yes God is real. Daenerys we need your help, remember when I told you that summer night about Amara and God. Well she's free." Lucifer says

Daenerys eyes the angel.

"Steve, I'll have to rain check tonight." Daenerys says

"Dany your not actually believing this." Natasha says "I'm real why can't God be." Daenerys says

Daenerys stands "I haven't caught your names." Daenerys says to the Winchesters.

Sam and Dean stand as well. "I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean." Sam says

"Well let me grab a few things and I'll follow you out." Daenerys says "Dany no." Steve says

"Sorry love, this is something I must do." Daenerys says

With the wave of her hand, Steve and the Avengers fall unconscious.

Sam and Dean's eyes widen.

Daenerys turns to Lucifer, eyes dull and empty. Her expression was alarming.


[Daenerys and Lucifer's past.]

Young Daenerys stands besides a young Heimdall, both lay on the ground.

Odin gathered his people for a hunting trip. Daenerys went along much to her father's dismay.

Daenerys sits up, making Heimdall sit up amused.

"I'll have you know that I'm more then just a pretty princess." Daenerys says

Heimdall chuckles, taking her hand and kissing the top of it "of course princess." Heimdall teases

A young boy was watching her from afar admiring her, it was Lucifer.


Daenerys dances with her father, laughing joyfully as he twirls her. Odin smiles at the pure unfiltered joy of his daughter.

"Sir." A young boy ask

Odin and Daenerys stop there dance and turn to the young boy "may I have the next dance." Lucifer ask

Odin eyes the boy and nods

Lucifer and Daenerys bow before each other and soon there dancing.

"Who are you." Daenerys ask

Lucifer smirks "the name is Lucifer and you are." Lucifer ask "the name is Daenerys.... Lucifer is a interesting name, never heard of it." Daenerys says

Lucifer smiles "I can says the same for Daenerys." Lucifer says

Daenerys giggles.

Heimdall watches from afar, jealousy brewing in his chest.


Hundreds of years later.

Daenerys stands under a exotic flower tree. White petals flutter around her.

She's matured.

Lucifer appears at her side, moving her hair of her shoulder.

"Lucifer." Daenerys breaths "my love." Lucifer whispers

Daenerys turns and she grabs Lucifers waist, bringing him close. Lucifer smirks.

"I've escaped the cage for a bit to be here with you, I've missed you." Lucifer purrs

Daenerys smiles "I'm glad because I've missed you as well." Daenerys says

Lucifer leans foward and captures Daenerys lips with his, hands moving down to grab her waist.

"Forever þinn, forever minn." Lucifer whispers

Daenerys smiles "you learned." Daenerys says

Lucifer smiles "your language is beautiful, I wanted to learn." Lucifer says

"Teach me yours." Daenerys ask

Lucifer smiles.


Daenerys and Lucifer lay on a bed of flowers, there fingers interlaced above them.

"Paid Zombv Paid Ozien." Lucifer coos into Daenerys ear.

Daenerys smiles and repeats after him. Daenerys giggles when Lucifer begins kissing down her neck.

"Lucifer." Daenerys moans

Lucifer grabs hold of her waist and brings her to straddle him. Daenerys smiles and she leans down to kiss him.

"Paid Zombv Paid Ozien." Daenerys whispers "Forever þinn, forever minn." Lucifer whispers back


"You've ruined my daughter and taken her innocents, you are no longer welcome on Asgard." Odin exclaims

"No!!!" Daenerys exclaims, only to be held back by the guards.

Lucifer watches her with tears in his eyes, the first women he has ever loved and he's beinging ripped away from her.

Asgardians are too powerful for the Angel he couldn't fight it even if he wanted to.

They were so careful, but they slipped and now they are here.

[And of Flashback.]


Daenerys stares at Lucifer old emotions sparking, she looks away.

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