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Matty was passed out on his sofa as we all walked in. Of course he was surrounded by empty vodka and whiskey bottles, with a wine bottle, that he must of just started on before he passed out, in his hand. He was addicted, not just to alcohol, but to drugs too. Bongs were in view and little baggies of white powder, which must have been cocaine, were on the table amongst the alcohol.

Ross, Adam, George and I were shocked at how bad he had gotten. I felt a tear run down my cheek, the sight of this was terrible. How did i let my best friend get to this point. The point that seemed to be the point of no return. I couldn't stand the sight of it, him passed out on the couch surrounded by drugs and alcohol, i turned around and latched onto George as i cried into his sweater.

"GET THE FUCK UP" Adam yelled as he nudged Matt.

Matt woke up, his eyes squinted and a confused look on his face as he saw the four of us standing in his apartment.


"You need help Matt, and until you get that help we're out of your life", I spoke up still in tears and still latched onto George.

"What, no you cant leave me, Lily, Please i need you", he finally spoke, with so much sorrow in his voice.

It hurt to say that i was leaving his life, but it hurt so much more to hear those words come out of his mouth. I never wanted to leave him, but he left me no choice, he needs to get better and i want to help him but I'm scared of him. He gets so abusive when he doesn't get what he wants, which is drugs and alcohol, and i don't want to be around that. He needs professional help.

"Matt I'm so sorry, but you need professional help. Please for me. Please. I cant stand seeing you like this. Its hurting me." i paused as the tears fell from my eyes " You're hurting me"

At that moment a tear ran down his cheek, and the boys just stood staring at us. They know how close Matt and i are, and they know we both have a huge affect on each other. I hoped that if Matt knew how his behaviour was affecting me he'd listen, he'd try and change. And i guess he saw the pain in my eyes because he got up off the couch and made his way over to me, stumbling but never losing eye contact with me. I let go of George and stood in front of Matt. He rubbed my arms and they made their way up to my face where he wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

"Lily please don't leave me, please i beg of you. You're everything to me i cant lose you. Please my silly Lily."

Silly Lily was my nickname, only Matt could call me it because it was sentimental to me. He made it up and it just stuck, he could make me do anything when he put on his baby voice and called me Silly Lily, ut this time it was different. If i wanted him to get better i had to leave.

I grabbed his wrists and took his hands from my face letting them go. I stepped back so he couldn't touch me again.

"No Matt when you're better you are welcome to text me or call me, but until then don't try and get in contact with me. Im sorry, bye" i sternly said and quickly ran out of the house to the car.

The boys must have left it at that because within a matter of seconds they were walking towards the car and we were leaving. I looked at my phone to see text messages from Matt telling my how sorry he was and how he was going to get help as soon as he could so that he could have me back in his life. I was crying but i was also happy that we convinced him to get help.

- 4 Months Later -

Fans of the boys had been asking where Matt was and why the boys weren't doing gigs anymore, so i could never really get the thought of Matt out of my head. It also made it impossible for me not to wonder how he was doing and if he was clean yet.

Every now and then I'd get a text from him saying he misses me, and it was hard for me not to pick up the phone and call him because i missed him like crazy. But the boys always stopped me, especially George, which i had become pretty close too lately while Matt was in rehab.

I heard my phone ring and without even checking who it was i picked up.


"Hey silly Lily" i heard a deep voice say

"Matt is that you?" I asked in shock

"Lily I'm clean i promise you, its been 4 months and i need to see you, please?" He begged

(A/N. Please comment your thought about this, I've been trying to find a fanfic along the lines of this plot but never seemed to find one so i thought i'd write one myself. I hope you like it xx)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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