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(Im sorry for the slow updates but writers block is real 😔)
(Also, I know gacha club just came out and their ages have just been revealed, but I started making this story before I knew their ages and Phantom was said to be 20. But Cykos age wasnt confirmed so just know in this story hes about the same age as past Phantom.)

Cyko's POV

I just got home from work. I gave that cute boy my number earlier! I don't expect anything from it but it's worth a try! He was kinda odd though, ordering coffee with no details? It's like he's never even had coffee in his life, so maybe that's true. I would expect him to go to a more popular coffee shop then...Oh well. I'm sure he has his reasons. (very good reasons indeed)

I sat down on my bed. I'll probably just relax. I can't get my mind off of what happened that one night. Maybe the person will back off because I caught them? It's not really comforting knowing that somebody has been in your house...what do they even do? Watch me? Go threw my things? I know i'm literally a murderer but seriously, what's so interesting about me or my house that somebody has the want to sneak into it every night...?

Now I have two people on my mind! And both of them are making me ask so many questions...Jeez...I thought I would just relax but there's so many things to think about. Imagine if those two were the same person...hehe...(honey you got a big storm comin')

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized my hands were on my head and my eyes were wide open with my head looking down. Oh, oops..

Phantoms POV
/Time;; 7:30 PM/
(Im going to start including the times in some of the POVS so yeahhh)

I think maybe...I'll go to Cyko's house later. I doubt it but maybe I'll understand why he gave me his number so suddenly. I want to text him of course. It'll make me anxious...Maybe one day I can visit him without him not knowing. I shouldn't wish for too much though. I should be happy as long as I'm there. (ok simp)

time skip brought to you by Kukus phat juicy ass ❤️😍 (im sorry)

I'm  about to go to Cyko's house...Shouldn't I text him before tomorrow..? I shouldn't now. Texting while I'm there and trying to be quiet might be difficult. I'll just do it when I get back.

another time skip brought to you by 707 x yoosung

Cyko's POV

That's why I always...always? always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always always- What am I doing again? Oh, yeah. I'm going to sleep. (guys why is cyko going mental)

I laid down in bed trying to fall asleep, when I heard a quiet noise. It's probably nothing... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ (lol you know what that means)

Phantoms POV

I slowly opened his window and climbed in. I'd expect him to lock his windows after he saw me....that's makes me worry about him...what if it weren't me and it was some murderer or something? (well it kinda doesn't matter if cyko is also a murderer lol. the murderer would get a "no u" pulled on them)

I stood there for a moment looking around for anything different. Nothing looked new. But still I enjoyed just being here. I quietly walked around the house.


I wonder what his room looks like...I've never took my chance in there...if he saw me in there I wouldn't be able to leave....maybe I could go in there just once. I don't know where he is, but if the door is closed I'm not going in.

I slowly and silently walked up the stairs...I looked down the hallway and his bedrooms door was open. This is really risky...but I couldn't help but be curious. (curiosity killed the cat~) I kept walking until I was at his door way. This is so agitating. I looked around the room for any signs that he was here. I looked towards the bed in the corner of his room to seem him laying down. Is he sleeping? I'm...going to assume so. (I CANT WRITE)

I kept on walking in and then walked over near him. Yeah, he's definitely asleep. Uh, how can I say this without sounding creepy..he looks...peaceful.

I looked around his room. But I wouldn't say I was taking my time. Everything I did was was done nervously. But there wasn't much, a couple of posters, and random things in his room.

I was about to walk out before I heard sheets shuffling.

Cyko's POV

I was drawling in my sleep. Like I was trying to get up but couldn't. As I slowly woke up I heard fast footsteps and my door close slightly. What's going on? I sat up in my bed and saw the door half closed. Wasn't it wide open when I went to bed? No! It was! Is this because of them again? They were in my room! UghhhhhH! I need to stop screwing around and stop them...but they're probably gone now...I'll just stay up tomorrow, and wait for them...

(ok i'm sorry if it bothered you that this one was kinda long,, I'm trying to go back to my old writing style and it takes a lot to write, also you better like this chapter because it literally took 2 hours 😔😔)

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