Because I'm sorry

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  Katsuki received a call on the way to his stakeout. With half a mind to ignore it, he tch'ed before answering.
  "We'll take it from here, you can return to the main site for your reports." What?!
  Breathe in, breathe out, Katsuki chanted inwardly. "They're about to have their crowded refill party.."
  "Correct." After a pause, the case overseer Kousuke, added a 'Thank you for your efforts' in a rather bored tone.
  Keeping his composure with a slight eye twitch, Katsuki subtly looked for the white van before hanging up.
  This prick. Keeping his head low, he clearly turned on his heel to 'comply' and walk away.
  Once he felt he was in the clear, he blended into a market street and went down a joining alley.
He got close to the scene again before hearing an unexpected voice.. All.. All Might?


Ezra walked alongside Izuku. When Izuku took a slight lead, Ezra reached out for his hand, wanting to feel him, keep him close.. He stopped just before contact.
As they walked towards the boardwalk, Izuku had been recalling their previous encounters.
Ezra worked for a detective bureau and they'd been assigned to cooperate on a case.
All Izuku was told at the time was that it wasn't clear whether quirks were involved, and that Ezra didn't have clearance so Izuku had to find ways to work together without suggesting the existence of quirks.
By the end of it all, it turned out the case had nothing to do with quirks, so Izuku just came off as inept, not having been able to contribute much in a local ordinary investigation.
  If detectives were good at their jobs here.. they'd find out about quirks eventually, wouldn't they? If they find out, do they get to work with agencies?
Izuku rubbed his temples. What exactly does this guy know?
  Ezra watched as Izuku became more uncomfortable. He gently herded him towards a bench. Izuku tucked himself in a corner, reserved. Ezra by contrast leaned back comfortably, legs spread and arms across the top.
When Ezra couldn't hold back anymore, he poked Izuku on the cheek.
  "You can relax. Just ask me what you want to know."
Izuku stared at him. As if! You're the one stressing me out and you brought me out here as if I'd believe in anything you say!
After a moment Ezra chuckled. "You're always so easy to read. How about this? I'll tell you what I want you to know, and you can stop me when you have questions."
"..Why? Why are you doing this now?" Izuku allowed himself to ask.
Because I'm sorry, and I know I probably won't see you again. "I've told you, you're so fun to play with." Ezra smiled at him before looking away, despaired with his inability to be honest.
  "Why must you always act like that?!" Izuku asked exasperated.
  With a calm face, Ezra responded "You're wasting your questions, these aren't the ones you followed me for."
  "Go on then, start your spiel." Izuku uninterestedly waved a hand before tucking it in to crossed arms.
  A small smile, yet pained, crept up before Ezra sighed and began.


  Ngh.. Ha.. ha..
  "Ei.. Eijiro.." Shoto let go onto Eijiro's face. "You're too good at that." He panted as he plopped down.
  "I think you're just terrified of my teeth. Your awareness is heightened, are you secretly a masochist?" Eijiro teased before receiving a hand towel slap to the face.
  Sigh. I just might be. "I was going to clean you off kindly before that comment." Shoto plopped down again. Eijiro wiped off before joining him, teasing as he mimicked a snapping turtle.
  After fitting well enough into a cuddled position, they calmed into a comfortable silence.
  This was fun, easy.
There was mutual respect, trust, and care.. they understood that when it came to their love, though unrequited, they'd support each other going forward.
For now, though they could give each other everything in bed, this is as far as this goes, and that is okay.


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