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The night was cold and dark with rain pouring heavily on the roof of the van. Dark black clouds had covered the sky and it felt as if it was night even though it was only four in the afternoon. Thick vegetation was on both sides of the narrow road and there were no streetlights whatsoever.

The van was filled with a din of chatter where as I sat in my own little bubble of comfort, gazing out the window and tracing the drops of rain which glided across the transparent glass window.

I rested my head on the glass window and let out a deep breath, which resulted to the formation of a patch on the window. I closed my eyes hopefully to fall asleep before reaching the destination.

"Yo Jungkook!"
I shot my head up to meet Namjoon hyung's face, who had a warm cup of coffee in his hand.
"Drink up. Its cold." He said and I shook my head, giving my jacket a hitch.

"Don't be stubborn. Temperature is falling and you don't wanna fall sick." He said and shoved the cup in my hand and turned to the other guys.
The cup was warm to touch and it made my cold hands feel a bit better. I held the cup with both my hands for the warmth to get to my nerves and  blew the coffee inside the cup with light force, making the steam coming out of it dance in front of my eyes.

"Did you check the forecast correctly?" I heard Taehyung and Jimin.
"As far as I remember, it said the weather is pleasant today and perfect for a camp." Jimin said and scratched the back of his neck.
It didn't feel right at all. It should have been blazing hot according to the forecast but it was the exact opposite of it. The rain was raining heavily.
"I dont think the weather is going to get better. We should head back." Jin hyung who was driving vigilantly, chimed.

A sharp gasp was heard from the seat behind me.
"What did you say?" Hoseok hyung said emerging from the back with an expression so offended, it seemed as if someone had called his rod small.

"We can't camp today." Jin hyung repeated and everyone broke out into groans.
"My butt went numb because of sitting for four hours. That too for nothing!" Jimin screeched and the others sulked with him.
"Let's go back please." I said quietly, the scenario affecting me.
All heads shot up to me.

"We thought you were the one who was most excited for this." Namjoon hyung said after a few moments of silence.
"This doesn't give me a good feeling. It's raining so hard, it's dark and the temperature is dropping lower and lower. Please let's go back." I said looking down to my lap feeling embarrassed after I was the one who suggested to camp.

"Let's go back home then." Jin hyung said as he gave the steering wheel a tap and took an abrupt turn, squishing me against the car door.

I closed my eyes, waiting to reach home after doing nothing for four hours.

"Okay okay! This is the last one!" I heard Jin hyung's high pitched voice and by the sound of it, he was laughing.

I opened my eyes and glanced at the watch hung on my wrist.

I squinted my eyes in confusion. It had been three hours since we took a turn on the path and head home but still we hadn't left the thick vegetation behind us. Even the rain was heavy as ever and temperature was low.

It was as if we were moving in circles.

"What do you call a bee which can't leave?" He asked and the car fell silent.

"You punks, its un-bee-leave-able! Hahahahaha!!" He said and let his loud laugh echo through the van.
"Only if Yoongi hyung were here, he would have choked you for cracking such a dry joke." Namjoon hyung said and rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up! Let me take advantage of his absence. That boy doesn't even let me ans-"

"Hyung! Watch out!"

A loud thump was heard and the car came to an immediate stop which made my nose crash into the seat in front of me.

"Ow." Taehyung yelped after drawing his face away from the seat and then rubbed the bridge of his nose.

A horrified expression was etched on Jin hyung's face and his demeanour changed completely. Same with Namjoon hyung who was sitting in the passenger's seat.

"What the hell!?" Hoseok hyung screeched.
"Oh shit." Jin hyung muttered and he unfastened his seatbelt and stepped out of the van.

"What happened?" I asked, getting no answer in return.
Jin hyung had crouched down in front of the car, examining something which was not visible because of the dash board. He looked up again, signalling Namjoon hyung to step out in the rain.

"Hyung! Cover you head." I said but I got no response again. Instead the door was slammed shut after he went outside.


They both were examining something, the four of us sitting inside, eager to see what it was but too scared to step out.

They exchanged some words before Jin hyung ducked even lower but as he came back to his previous position, he had someone in his arms.

A girl.

Her jet black hair which was slightly damp was resting on her face. Her milky skin was shining under the moon and red was flowing down her arms and legs. She was dressed in rags and her legs were fully exposed to the cold.

Jin hyung was rushing towards the backseat of the van where Taehyung, Jimin and I were sitting.
"Go sit with Hobi." He said as soon as Namjoon hyung opened the door to the door to the van.

After Jimin and Taehyung had fled towards the backseat, Jin hyung laid the girl beside me.

My breathing accelerated and my eyebrows almost merged with my hairline and before I knew it, the girl was on my lap.


Please don't attack this 14 year old kid for writing such a shitty story

I'm writing this story to improve my grammar and to pass time so please let me know if you find mistakes.

I said "let me know" and not "attack" me.

P.S. it's my first story but I'll make sure you don't regret reading it (maybe)

Thank youuUuUUuuu

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