
35 5 0

Her head was placed on the hardness of my thigh and thick red blood was flowing from her temple.

Her skin was pale white under the layer of mud and dirt in her face, her body skinny and lifeless, as if someone had been starving her since a long time.

Instinctively, I ran my finger across her forehead to her cheek, collecting some strands of her hair and tucked them behind her ear with delicacy.

Her face was relaxed and she looked at rest, like a baby who was just fed and put to sleep. If someone saw her at that instant, they wouldn't know that she had been hit by a van.

My ears had blocked out all other sounds of the shouting and at that instant, all my attention was on her.

Her eyes which were protected under her eyelids were almond shaped and I couldn't wait for them to open and show me the depth and beauty of them.
I drew my eyes away from her eyes to her lips which looked red and luscious with a mole on the corner of her lip which I didn't fail to notice.

A faint voice was calling out my name but I couldn"t care less about it.
And after staring at her godly face, I realised,

She was breathtakingly beautiful.

Even though it looked as if all her strength had been sucked out of her, she looked gorgeous.

It almost looked as if I had seen her somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on it. Which, I could say because she radiated a familiar warmth making me fight the urge to take her in my arms and hug her endlessly.

"Jungkook!?" Someone shook my shoulder vigorously and then did I step out of my trance.

"Stop adoring her and clean her for wounds for fuck's sake!" Jin hyung said with a face fuming with anger.

He was racing the car like a roller coaster and his face which contained a jolly expression before the accident, had completely changed to a one which contained fear and determination.

I knew things were serious when I felt warm liquid seeping through the fabric of my black jeans.

I mentally scolded myself and grabbed the first aid kit hastily and moved in my seat to have my back against the car door and one leg folded on the seat.
I held the her face, placing her head nearer to my waist, on my thigh.

I sucked in a breath nervously.

I can do this.

I grabbed a big piece of cotton and started dabbing it on the wound, trying to remove the dirt from it. I held her hand in my warm one to give her some comfort but I almost jumped in my place because of how cold her hand was.

I spent no more time and drew my jacket away from my body and wrapped it around her and continued cleaning the wound.

After all the dirt was out of the wound, I disposed the piece of cotton and grabbed another clean piece. I applied some disinfectant on it and dabbed it very slightly on her wound.

She flinched on the contact and I immediately drew the cotton away from her forehead. I looked towards the seat behind me, where the other three boys gazed at me struggling with the girl with their chins on their hands as if it was very interesting.

"Can one of you hold her hand?" I asked as normally as possible, even though I was freaking out because of the girl on my lap.
"I'll volunteer!" Taehyung said as he climbed up from the seat and dropped towards the other side of the seat, near the girl's feet.

He held her feet, rubbing them to make them warm after noticing how cold they were.
After some while, he let go of her feet and held her hand while I starting dabbing the cotton gently.

After I was done, I lifted the girl's head up and wrapped a piece of cloth around her forehead in a circular motion to make the hurt part wrapped in it securely.

I looked up towards Taehyung who showed me a sour face because her legs hadn't warmed up even though he had been rubbing them for a while.

The rain was still hard as ever, but the forest on both the sides had gotten a bit thin.
It was nine already and everyone was starving but no one dared to speak after sensing the thick tension inside the van.

Jin hyung had slowed down the speed a bit, now it drove at normal speed and not an inhumane one but the car came to a stop and Jin hyung rolled the window down and shouted.
"Excuse me!" He yelled, peeking out of the window.

"Yes?" A high pitched voice of a girl said after emerging out of nowhere. She had a black umbrella with her and she was clad in black. Her face was not seen because of the dark but it seemed she was looking into the car.

When her eyes fell on the girl on my lap, her eyebrows jumped up subtly but she composed herself in a fraction of a second and met Jin hyung's eyes again.

"Do you now the way to get to Seoul?" Jin hyung asked politely and the girl stopped to think for a while.
"Go straight and then take a the immediate left." She said before fixating her eyes on the girl in my lap.

"The path is a bit rugged but you'll end up on the highway at the end of the route." She said, her eyes not leaving the her figure.

"Okay. Thank you so much!" Jin hyung said and she flashed him a beautiful smile.
"Have a good journey." She said after glancing at the girl one last time.

"....She looks hurt." She said.
"Ahh.. Yes yes, very much in fact." Jin hyung said.
"Take care of her well. She gets irritable when hurt." The girl said leaving us dumbfounded.

What the f-

Before any of us could say anything, the girl had vanished after walking some distance.

Awkward ailence engulfed the car and I shifted in my place a bit uncomfortably.

"Uhhh... So let's go home?" Taehyung said and the car started without no more talks.


After a while, the weather had cleared and we were on the highway after following the directions given by the mysterious woman, the city only a few miles away from us.

Taehyung, Jimin hyung and Hobi hyung were already fast asleep and even Namjoon hyung was trying to keep his eyes open.

Taehyung had grown tired of rubbing the girl's feet to create heat in them and eventually fell asleep with her legs in the warmth of his lap.

I tried holding her arm to check whether she was cold but she stirred in her sleep at my touch. Then did I notice that her arm was swollen and I immediately notified Jin hyung.

"Hyung, I guess she has a broken arm." I said softly.
He looked in our direction and rubbed his face with one hand, exhaustion evident on his face.

"As soon as we reach the city, the first thing we do is to get that girl to a hospital." He said.


"She will be okay. Just give her some calcium supplements to help the bone heal faster. Make sure she follows a balanced diet." The doctor said as he wrapped the plaster around her arm.

"Thank you so much doctor." Jin hyung said and bowed to the doctor. After coming back to his original position, he glared at me.

I immediately bowed down after noticing his threatening glare.

Well, he's scary when he's angry.

"T-Thank you doctor. Wish you a good night." I said and straightened my posture and gave him an uneasy smile.
"You can take her back home." The doctor said and left us with the girl in the room.

"So... what now?" I asked Jin hyung while scratching the back of my neck.

"We have no choice but to take her to our place. She looks homeless anyway."


I wrote this while listening to still with you and it felt ammaZing 😭😭

I don't know when I'll update but I'll try and update faster so stay tuned!!

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