crying in the club

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Star felt another tremble cover her body as the memories flashed through her head. Hot tears spilled from her tears as she violently shook.

Stay quiet slut, I know you like it.

"No, stop. Stop it. Go away!" Star screamed, squeezing her head, collapsing to the ground. Desperately trying to stop the flashbacks.

You're just a pretty face, nothing else. But you're
my pretty face.

"Please. Stop it. I don't want this. I don't want this." Star whispered, as her vision spun. Police sirens flashed through her mind. It was her. Her, pictured perfectly in front of her, getting led into a cop car.

You'll never get away from me. You can never escape.

Star couldn't hear the sound of the practice room swinging open, nor could she hear Johnny running over. Johnny crouched down, knowing not to touch her without asking.

No, get away from me! Get away from me monster!

"Star? It's Johnny." Johnny said, in a soft voice.

It's not her

Star's internal screaming registered Johnny's voice. Managing to open her eyes slightly, she reached a hand out to him. Johnny softly took it, slowly pulling Star into his arms. He scooted backwards, so that his back was supported by the small couch.

Star's shaky arms made their way to his chest, lightly clutching onto his chest. Johnny loosely held onto Star, slowly running his hands through her hair.

"I'm here Star, I'm here now. Let it all out." Johnny said, his calming voice stopping Star's violent shaking.

"She isn't here to hurt you anymore. She's gone. She can never be around you again. All our friends and the company won't let her ever be near you again."

Johnny continued to repeat comforting words, and the clock ticked on. 45 minutes later Star seemed to run out of tears, her breathing slowing to normal.

"T-Thank you Johnny." Star muttered out, loosen her grip and limply wrapping her arms around Johnny's waist.

The door swung open, and Star tensed. Johnny looked up, seeing Manager Eric.

Manager Eric saw the all-to-familar pose of the two and mouthed, "Flashbacks?" Johnny nodded and Eric nodded before closing the door.

"Shh, it was just Manager Eric." Johnny whispered. "Hey, peach. Can we move to the couch? My legs are starting to fall asleep."

"Yes." Star said, pulling away from Johnny. She crawled off his lap, and got on the couch, pulling Mae's forgotten hoodie over her head. She flicked the hood up, and tucked her legs under the hoodie.

"I'm gonna get you something with sugar and some water. Thyme is in the building, can I go get them for now?" Johnny asked, patting Star's hoodie-covered head.

Star nodded, and grabbed her phone. She quickly found the contact.

Calling Thyme ♡︎ ....

"Uh, hi." Star softly said into the microphone. "Are you in the building?"

"Yes, would you like me to come to the practice room?" Thyme's soft emmited through the phone.

"Yes please. It happened again, and Johnny was gonna get me some food and water. But I-"

"I'm on my way sweetie. You know that we would never desert you afterwards. Just stay put, maybe sing some songs?" Star and Johnny could here rustling in the background, most likely Thyme moving clothing and fabric samples out of her way.

"Okay, good luck getting out of the labyrinth." Star said. It was well known that Thyme's office/creative space was an absolute mess. Mannequins were everywhere, and there were fabric scraps and sewing equipment everywhere. Oh, and a giant corkboard covered in Thyme's life and work. No on really minded, since Thyme was probably the best stylist SM had.

Thyme simply laughed, before hanging up.

Star shyly looked up to her dear friend.

"Will you sing something for me?"

"Only if we get to cuddle."

Star smiled slightly, "Deal."

When Thyme had made it to the room, Star was softly napping against Johnny's chest while he typed away on his phone.

"Is she alright?" Thyme quietly asked.

"Still not much improvement, but they aren't as bad as the first few times. I hate to ask this, but could you-" Johnny started.

"I'll get her something sugary and some water. Just watch over her. She needs you." Thyme said, giving the boy a small smile before they exited the room, not giving him a chance to argue.

Johnny exhaled, mentally thanking Thyme for now. He looked down at Star, smiling fondly, yet with a hint of sadness.

He just wanted her to be okay again, he wanted her to not have to live in constant fear of Zu.

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